chapter 1

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"His eyes sparkles like the stars that shines in the beautiful night sky but why do you look at her like that?
why do you look at her like you've been waiting for her to come back?"

Felt like she was going to a ball.the beautiful marron gown would have fit in perfectly at one of the parties she had attended during her highschool.The dress was  untraditional,but not unfashionable.the changes simply made the dress seem distinctive.let her walk more gracefully,turn more naturally.that,in turnade her feel even more beautiful.standing before her mirror,mona thought of what it might have been like to wear a dress to a real ball."mybe i can be both",mona thought running her hands down the sides of the dress.
"you look beautiful my child"her mother said mona turned smilling "thank you mother" mona said the turned and looked at her mirror self,pretty in its  marron dress mona turned "are you going to come with me tonight?"her mom shook her head"that is not my go meet  your best friend" that only left Sebastian,who—understandably—was a bit nervous about going to the dinner "ypu don't have tp come" anne said "i don't?" Sebastian said " well then,I should remain here and enjoy the dinner!" anne paused,frowning Leonardo clapped anne on the shoulder. " you should know better than give that one any wiggle room anne"  Leonardo said "well i meant my word's" anne said " he doesn't have to come" Sebastian looked relieved "you dont even feel a bit guilty,do you?"leonardo asked "Guilty? Sebastian asked,while his hand resting on his cane " my dear friend, have you ever known me to Express such a drearly and uninspired emotion?besides,i have a feelinh mona will be happy to see me" (he's probably right)anne though.anne  turned smilling at mona "how can ypu possibly move so quite in a dress like that?"anne said " I've been practicing" she said taking her arm."well, we should get moving,"Leonardo said.he gesture for mona and Anne to enter to their car.anne held out an arm for mona, leading her to the table anne seated her, then took a chair next to her.both of them sitting directly across from romeo.he barley paused in his eating as the servers brought Mona's and Anne's dishes. drumstick,mona thought and vegetables in gravy. he wants this to be a messy meal—he want to make anne uncomfortable.

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