Chapter 1: The Man near the window

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 I peeked over the windowsill and saw my mom talking to a person. I didn't recognize the person but it looked like dad, so I walked downstairs to open the door, when I opened it, they were gone. I ran upstairs to go into my room, I shut the door and locked it. I stayed in my room for what seemed like forever. I finally opened my door and walked downstairs to see if my mom was there, then I got a text for my mom saying, "I'll be home in 6 hrs. I'm working a double today. Love you!" I got scared because the person outside wasn't my mom. I got a call from an unknown number, so I blocked it. I kept getting different calls from unknown numbers. I finally called the number back, and all I heard was whispering and loud breathing. "Hello?" I asked. Then I heard the voice say, "I always come back." I ended the call and deleted all the numbers. I then looked outside to see a person standing there, staring at me, not blinking nor breathing. I closed my window, shut the blinds, and hid under my bed. I kept hearing loud knocking on the door. "Hello? Sweetie? Can I come in?" My dad said. 'What the. That isn't my dad, my dad left and he said he would never come back.' I thought. Then I heard a window break open, and then walking upstairs. Then a few knocks on my door. "Sweetheart, please let me in." The voice said. "No!" I yelled back. 'Dang it, they'll find me' I thought. I heard another sigh and steps downstairs. I unlocked my door and walked downstairs to open the door, No one there. I calmed down a little, shut the door and locked it. I walked upstairs to see the attic open. 'The attics never open' I thought. I walked inside to see the person from outside looking at me, up and down. I tripped and ran into my room. When I fell on the bed to sleep, I fell into a deep, dark void. 'The heck?!' I thought. "Hello??" I said, knowing that probably no one is here. "Welcome, my dear, sweet child!" A voice said. It sounded like it was ever. "Where am I? And why am I here? And Who are you??" I asked the mysterious voice. "Oh child, still asking questions? Hehe, oh you're in a void and I don't know why you're here and I'm someone. There. I answered your questions." The voice said, sounding like it was behind me. I looked behind me to see a angel. "Wow" is all I could saw before the floor below me turned into nothing. I fell into it and looked up to see the person waving at me. I tried to wave back but I woke up. 'Dang, that was a dream?' I thought. I got up to see the time. It was 2:34. I yawned and went downstairs to still see the tv playing. I turned it off and went to get some water. I saw the kitchen a mess, so I started to clean it up. I listened to music, when I was cleaning it.

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~words: 537

Imma leave you guys on a cliffhanger, sorry. See ya!~


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