The Russian

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Okay guys I'm on a roll without further Ado let's jump right in

As the meeting was still recessed you invited the girls to get something to eat real quick you were offering to pay. you found a nice little ramen shop that was pretty cheap and looked delicious

Y/N man this stuff is great

Alisa: ooo can I have some

Y/N: no babe yours is right there and I asked earlier if you wanted some

Alisa: aww but I didn't want any before but I'm getting a taste somehow

As she grabbed your head
Y/N: hey what are-

She proceeded to kiss you and slowly added her tounge and stole a noodle

Y/N: hey give that back

Alisa: too late (as she grabbed a piece of beef and was about to chew)

Y/N: oh you two can play that game

As you reach over and kiss her steal the beef from her mouth

Alisa: hey! No fair

As your mouth was explored by Alisa but you already ate the beef suddenly you hear

???: What the hell are you doing with my sister

A big dude looks Russian, Lev if you remember correctly from Alisa briefly telling you about him

You and Alisa separate from the kiss

Alisa: hey Lev I want you to meet my boyfrie-

Lev isn't listening as he walks over trying for the first time to be intimidating You stand up not being intimidated

Y/N: what's the problem she's my girlfriend

As a stare down goes down lev's teammates tell him to sit down and at least hear him out

At the very least he sits down and you explain that you are both in a relationship and that you wouldn't harm her after a while of getting to know each other lev apologizes

Y/N:it's fine I can see how it could have been seen as messed up so anyhow don't worry I'll pay so enjoy

You learned two things that day one if you and Yuki were to keep on dating you would need a bigger wallet and number two Yuki was a food enthusiast, and she just downed a whole Popsicle point proven

After lunch

Y/N: Alright see you guys later, ok come on girls let's get you back to your meeting

On the inside (my wallet noo 😭)

As the meeting had ended And Kaori asked if she could stay the night which her parents approved,was talking to you while you dropped everyone off

Kaori: so Y/N you ever been to Japan before

Actually yeah my dad was here a couple of years ago back whenever he played with the USA brought me here

Kaori: oh cause you remind me of someone for some reason

Y/N: really in a good way

Kaori:yea he was brave and short while I was tall and shy it was weird but he saved me

You were now at home sitting on the couch talking


Bully:Woah what is it

Bully2:it's a freak look at her she's so tall

As we see a young Kaori crying in the park we also see a young ebony boy

Haikuyu with Y/N The Rāteru Where stories live. Discover now