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Amy was petrified. She could not run, she could barely breathe. Something was creeping closer to her hiding spot. As a child whose brain was well beyond her 6 years of living, she knew it was time to hide when she heard something creeping up the old staircase to her room. Amy had bolted to to hallway, not the first one, where the steps where found, but the secret one, the one not even her parents knew about. Speaking of Amy's parents, they were asleep at this time, considering it was just 1 o'clock in the morning, you would think that Amy should be asleep too. But she wasn't. 

Amy had been feeling an upcoming tingle of dread creep up her spine. It was almost impossible for her to fall asleep with an ice cold feeling down your back, so she had tried everything. Ignoring it, closing her eyes, laying on her back with her eyes open. facing the door, not facing the door, even counting sheep, (In which she got to number one hundred and forty-eight thousand, nine hundred and sixty-six, before she gave up, also known as 148,966) but still could not shake this growing feeling of dread. Call it instinct, perhaps, but Amy almost certainly knew that something like this was going to happen.

Hiding behind this door was now, obviously, a mistake. She had not anticipated for the thing to find the hallway. She tried to calm down, to quiet her breathing, but the more she tried, the more her breathing became ragged and panicked. The thing was almost at her door. She hid behind the broken closet in the corner, praying it wouldn't find her. She just got behind the sagging closet before she heard the door open. Quietly, oh so quietly. So quietly that Amy knew she would never, ever have been able to hear it if she was not paying attention. Amy held her breath. Perhaps it would miss her. Perhaps the thing would take one look inside and decide she wasn't there. 

No. It knew. She could feel it in her bones, her blood and her brain. She was not safe. Run! Hide! She thought to herself furiously, but her body would not listen.





The creaking stopped. Amy held her breathe. Deathly silence. 




She let loose a silent breath and listened to the thing check the next room. Her body filled with relief, but still. That was to close. She almost died. Only one thing was clear in her mind now.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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