Page Three《 INVASION 》

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Page 3 Chapter 1

As the teacher is writing something on the board, someone snuck in DoodleCo Academy. Someone, familiar.

Roaka (the boss of Tality Zero), talking on an Airpod: I never realized how easy it was to infiltrate this prestigious school. Though you should still keep guard and make sure no students catch you, Its almost their lunchbreak, Archon.

Archon: Yeah yeah whatever, I'll make sure no one sees me... Though I wonder what class my sister is...

Some defenders also reach the area where Archon is, readying their own kind of ''creatures'' to fight. He just shoots them. The bell rung.

Many students from each class burst out of each classroom and go to the cafeteria.

Archon: What the fuck?! Are they really that hungry to burst out like that?!


Meadowra: Holy shit, that was the most confusing math equation I've ever heard.

Nat: I know right?! How did he even make a way to solve Inf - 4930482?!

Zen: I don't know.. But I sure am hungry..

Nat: I wonder what's for lunch today?

Meadowra: I hope its something edible, to the very least..

Meadowra, Zen and Nat walk in and they see the tray of food.

Meadowra: I mean, its alright?

Nat: I'll chomp down some fried rice if its good.

Zen: I just want that beefy steak.

Meadowra: Let's stop talking before theres no food left.

Meadowra, Zen and Nat goes to get food, not suspecting what will happen next.

2 minutes later, A bunch of Tality Zero members breaks in from the window and shoots down many DoodleCo Academy workers, including students, while Archon runs to the principals office to find his ''Secret Information''.

Everyone is in panic and runs from the cafeteria

Grunt 1: Hey, I have an idea!

Grunt 2: What?

Grunt 1: Let's kidnap someone!

Grunt 2: That's... A GREAT IDEA!

Grunt 1 looks over to Meadowra while he's just tryna get some food and run at the same time.

Grunt 1: Go for that guy!

Grunt 2: Okay!

The 2 grunts tackle Meadowra while he just wanted a cookie, tying him up and picking him up aswell.


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