Desire at first sight ♥️

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Anneong buddies, this is my first story
So I hope you like it ,♥️♥️

NAME -.  Hwang Y/N
AGE -.  19
Father's NAME. -. Hwang
Mother's NAME.  -. Hwang Rose

NAME -. Kim Taehung
Age -.  23
Father's name- Kim Yan
Mother's name. - Kim Suno
_______________________________________ High school*

Y/n- hi, so you are the new student here ,btw what's your name ?

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Y/n- hi, so you are the new student here ,btw what's your name ?

Taehung- yes, my name is Kim Taehung.*cold while minding his own business.

Y/n POV - ohh very cold huh.

Y/n- will you not ask my name ? * Sweet
Taehung- No* cold

Y/n - why?
Taehung-  well I don't wanna know your name, and for God's  sake leave me alone .

Y/n - So, will you be my friend .?
Taehung - ahhh, why are you so irritating , I don't wanna ask your name or wanna be your friend ..* angry tone .

Y/n - ok then ,bye new student.
Taehung- *Leaves without saying anything.

Time skips.

*In classroom

Teacher- So , students we got a new student today , please make friends with him and behave well .

* He enters the class and greeted the teacher.

Teacher - please introduce yourself.

Teahyung- anneong everyone , My name is Kim Taehung , and I am 18 years old . *Coldly yet camly.

Teacher - That's it ?
Taehung- yes. Teacher
Teacher - So , Taehung you an go and sit next to Posy.

Taehung - ok.

Y/n POV - I was minding my own business when I heard all the bitchy girls except my BSF Lisa, starting behaving like sluts and they were shouting like crazy . It was not enough when I saw Taehung sitting with Posy . Seriously she is the biggest slut and bitchy girl I have ever met in my life ,she is my goddam enemy....

*Time skips to Lunch break

Y/n POV - me and Lisa were having our peaceful lunch when i saw that Posy and Taehung were eating and laughing , poor Taehung , who's gonna tell him that she has 3 boyfriend at a time

Me and Lisa were  talking and all of a sudden  she came poured  milk on me
My blood boiled with anger .

Posy- Did you liked the taste of the milk * sarcastically
Y/n - Slutty bitch . *Loudly 

I stood up and grabbed her hair tight and  pulled strange out of her head to give he pain  and just beated the ass out of her in anger ...

But Taehung came in between and stopped our fight and said * leave Posy unless there will be no one to save you ...

* Taehung took Posy with him and I was standing there like a statue . His word hurted me ......

Lisa - Y/n come with me
Y/n - No , when he will get to know about her reality then he will regret what he said to me .

Lisa - but buddy why are you behaving like that , about him

Y/n- I don't know I think i.i..i. like him.
Lisa - whattttt .....

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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