Skz you suffer from chronic pain

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"Hey babe I'm just going to get a snack do you want anything?" you asked your boyfriend Chan as you stood up from the couch. You and him were watching a drama but you suddenly felt peckish. "Ooh can you bring some of those crackers you know I love, thanks" he called out as you started to walk. Just as you made it into the kitchen however your chronic leg pain decided to be a bitch which is how you ended up falling flat on your face on the floor and unable to get up when you tried to. "Oh shit, baby are you ok?" Chan crouched down to your level to be met with watering eyes and quivering lips. "Hurts" was all you could muster without breaking, your pain tolerance known for being quite low. "Shh it's ok I've got you" Chan brought you into his arms, slowly rocking you until your cries slowly died down and you could speak in full sentences to tell him where your pain meds were.


Your chronic stomach pain has always been an issue, it seemed as if you were always on your time of the month. Most people were turned away by it, you changed your moods very quickly and always canceled plans if you weren't feeling well. Minho was different, Minho was better. Minho learned how to deal with your mood swings in a calming manner and was always there for you. The both of you were sleeping but you awoke to yet another cramp stabbing you. You could never sleep while in pain which annoyed you in times like these because you were tired as fuck. You whimpered and clung to Minho when it all became too much, this caused him to wake up. "Sweetheart what's going on?" he slurred and rubbed his eyes but frowned when he noticed your crying state, he knew right away what to do so he got started. Minho pulled you into his arms and rubbed your sore belly in soft soothing circles. "Deep breaths, close your eyes and think of happy thoughts hmm?" he murmured and continued his actions. Smiling when he felt you un-tense just the slightest. "That's it sweetheart, doing so well."


Another wave of pain coursed through your back and made you drop your plate of food. You cried out, gaining the attention of both your parents and your boyfriend Changbin. "That's it, we're going to a doctor" he exclaimed while your father cleaned up the mess. What you weren't excepting was for it to be as simple as chronic pain meaning that your back will start hurting just for no reason, this made your parents laugh and claim you've been faking the whole time, not entirely believing that chronic pain was a thing. Changbin immediately took you home with him outraged that your parents thought that way. All you wanted to do was take a nap because your pain was starting to get worse ad you even started tearing up. Changbin's face suddenly softened at this and took you into his arms; "of course, you try to take a nap while I massage your back hmm? sound good?" and wiped your tears away.


You kept tossing and turning while trying to fall asleep, your chronic stomach pain acting up again which annoyed you because you had managed to get the last 2 weeks of relief, though relief doesn't last forever, and deep inside you knew this was bound to happen. It was still annoying you though and keeping you from sleeping. Annoying you to the point of tears because it just kept getting worse, this woke up Hyunjin who at first make a noise of annoyance but then saw your face and immediately softened. "Baby what's going on?" Hyunjin took you into his arms and rubbed your back in soothing circles. "It's ok just my stupid cramps, hurts a lot" you sniffled. "aw baby, how about a massage hmm?" that instantly made you nod, sounding so perfect. "Alright angel, let me go get some cream and your meds. Stay here and just take some deep breaths, it's going to be ok."


You were at a friends house for a bridal shower, she was getting married in a few weeks so she had everyone over for a girls night. You would have brought Jisung with you however this was a girls only event so. Your back was playing up a little however it wasn't a huge issue so you tried to forget about it. However it became a huge issue later when the pain only seemed to get worse and you mentally cursed at yourself for forgetting to bring your pain meds. You excused yourself to the bathroom to call Jisung, not thinking that you would break down on the phone however when you heard his sweet voice all you wanted to do was be near him. "Jisung, I forgot my pain meds and my back is killing me right now and fuck lets be real I just wanna come home" you sobbed on the phone but tried to be quiet. "Aw it's ok gorgeous, I'll come get you ok? try to relax until I get there yeah?" All you could do was sob, feeling so ashamed but also suddenly so tired and weak. "shh baby it's going to be ok, I'm already in the car."


You and Felix were out for a nice walk, you both wanted to enjoy the scenery together and share a blueberry smoothie. Going for walks was quite a regular thing in your relationship because it got the both of you out of the house and away from the tv plus it was an extra way to bond and get to know more about each other. Felix must have been too lost in the conversation to notice you whimper and take a seat on the park bench. When he was a few steps in front that's when he noticed you were missing. "Woah baby what's going on?" he asked and took the seat next to you. You berried your face in his neck because you didn't like people seeing you in this state. "My stupid back cramps again" you whimpered as another wave went through you. "Shh babygirl breathe for me, in for 4 out for 4 that's it" Felix encouraged while on the other-hand ordering an uber to pick you both up.


You had always loved to dance, it was your passion ever since you were a child however due to your condition and that condition being chronic leg pain you were unable to pursue that career. Instead, you settled for having a youtube channel where you posted dance covers to your favourite songs and made dances up for songs that didn't have dances that way dancing could still be in your life. You were in the middle of filming a cover of Ateez's deja vu when suddenly a wave of pain jolted through your legs making you fall over, Seungmin was by your side in a second. "Babe what happened?" he asked you however the pain was too great and all you could do was cry and point to your legs. "aw it's ok, I've got you now" Seungmin carried you to the couch and placed a blanket over you then went to get your meds, along with some tea. "I hope this helps gorgeous" Seungmin sat behind you so he could help you drink your tea and have cuddles.


You always knew that something was wrong but never knew what it was. Always complaining of a sore stomach and calling in sick to work a lot that you were on the verge of being fired. Your parents were worried so they took you to a specialist to see what the problem was. When they found out it was "nothing but chronic pain" they laughed at your face claiming that everyone was always in pain but they dealt with life better than you could. This offended you so much that you packed a bag and headed straight to your boyfriend Jeongin's house. "Oh my god baby what happened?" Jeongin worriedly asked upon seeing your current state. "I have chronic pain but my parents don't think it's real and think I'm being weak" You bawled when remembering their laughing faces. "Oh no gorgeous, are you in pain right now?" when you nodded he immediately brought you inside, helped you get comfy on the couch and then made you both a hot water bottle and ginger tea.

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