chapter 2

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"What was that?" I said scared "i i dont now lets sheck it out" said liam going downstairs whit the boys behind him we went downstairs and saw nothing "umm.?" Said lookimg at the floor "AHHH!" I jump in suprise the i see a girl running to harry and hugging him "OMG OMG OMG OMG!"she said hugging Harry "whos that?... if you dont mind me asking..." i said still looking at the floor "ummm you have to go before we call the police" said niall "ah~ ok best day ever~" she said getting out of the house liam close the door

"Umm sorry about that" said harry looking at me i just stod there looking at the floor "so umm what do you wanna eat?" Niall ask me "...anything is good.."
I said "umm do you wanna eat in Macdonald?" Said lois i just look at him and give him a little smile "i never eat in Macdonalds.... the orphanage never took us to eat out side"i said embarrass "well let's go then" said harry he try to grab my hand but you flinch at hes tosh

"So-sorry" he said whit a frown "no im s-sorry" i said looking at him "well um lets get going"said lois i just noded and follow them to the wen we arrived to the Macdonald i could feel them staring at me "so what do you want?"said niall "i-i dont now " i said playing whit my fingers "why dont you get some nuggets and a ice-cream" said lois i just nodded

They give me the food i started to eat the nuggets "wow this good" i said shyly they just smile at me i just blush a pinksh tone "you should try the ice-cream" said harry whit a mustache maid of ice-cream "you have a mustache" i said giggling they just started to laugh

Maybe they are not trying hurt me i wont be so sure agg! Oh well we headed back to the house/mansion "can i go back to my room and change?.." i said "of course you don't have to ask us love "said harry i went upstairs and chage into my pj i look around my room and saw a lapstop and a phone whit my name on it i just ignore it and went out of my room and to the hallway "im going to sleep! I-is that ok?.."i said screaming shyly "of course love good night" they said

I went back to my room and went to bed and well to sleep

Flash back~

I was in my room lock up because mommy and daddy were fighting again "you never love me!" Said you my mom screaming at my dad "shut up!" Said my dad then i heard a bang! I can feel the tears down my check running fast i open the door and went downstairs and saw dad liveng from the front door i went running to the living room hoping mommy was ok

Then i saw it mommy in the floor cover in blood "mommy!.." i said running to her "mommy! Wake up! Pls! Mommy" i said crying she just cough blood i felt someone behind me i look at see daddy "i hate you! You hurt mommy!" I said backing up "your just a monster like her " my dad said slapping my face he then grab my shirt and pull me to hes face pointing the gun to my belly "pls daddy dont hurt me ! Pls daddy! " i said crying then i felt pain in my boddy

End of flash back~

I wake up sweaty and crying then the door burst open "No pls daddy dont hurt me! Pls! " i said covering my face then i felt something around me i push away scared "no dont tosh me! Ahh!" I said crying and fighting back "shh baby is ok im here im not going to hurt you" said a familiar voice and it calm me down i look to see harry hugging me and roving hes hand on my back in circle "is ok no one is go to hurt you im here " he said hes sudding voice calm me down "why dont you sleep whit me ok?" He said i just hug him and berry my face to hes chest

He carry to hes room and put me in hes bed and i Just hug him and berry my face to hes chest hes so warm i fell asleep and harry play whit my hair and the he fell asleep


I wake and didn't felt the warm of harry i look around and saw the nobody so i wen downstairs still sleppy wen i went to the kitchen i saw my-my brother!...

Omg its been like months i think well i finally did it and yay but any who pls vote and coment i really will love if i see what you think about this crappy book well bye guys


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