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I walked home, a little slower than usual but that's because I didn't wanna drop this little guy.. would he even get hurt if I did drop him? Would he bounce on the ground like a ball? Would he just splatter and be perfectly fine?? What would happen? 'Ugh.. enough of that! I need to find a name for him, not think about what would happen if I dropped him.. buuutt... It wouldn't hurt my feelings to find out.. no! Stop it! I'm not dropping him!' my internal conflict raged in my head for quite awhile before ultimately deciding.. not to drop him.

"What should I call you?" I asked myself out loud, staring contently at my new slime companion. His lavender colored slime was actually a little pretty, but still.. aren't familiars supposed to sorta resemble their masters?? This little guy doesn't seem like he could hurt a fly.. in response to my question however the little slime made a purring sound and nuzzled my hand again.

"That's helpful.. actually, I have a question. Can you change colors? Like. If I put a drop of food coloring or paint on your slime could you become that color? Or would it just mix with the purple..?" As I asked my question I started to get some fun ideas, maybe he'd let me experiment with his color when we get home. After all he doesn't seem to mind when I pet him at all.. but maybe if I messed with his color it could make him sick? Actually.. I'm not so sure I'd be willing to take that chance.. I should ask a teacher about that at some point.. just not kalego.

The slime seemed to actually think about what I had said, but obviously it couldn't speak so I'll never know what's on that little guy's mind.

I'd decided to put the slime on my shoulder, his slime doesn't do anything to clothes or anything so it's fine. He actually seemed more than enthusiastic about this as he took this as an opportunity to nuzzle my face as much as he wanted to.

[After about 20 minutes of walking later you arrive home]

After I had unlocked the door to my somewhat small cottage I threw my school bag on the couch

"Hey little buddy, I'm gonna have to set you down somewhere okay? I'm gonna change and then I'll be back."
I set the slime on the small coffee table in front of the couch and walked off to my room to get changed from the school uniform.
After throwing on some baggy shorts and a tank top I opened my door and walked back to the living room.. then I slipped on something

"OW! damnit.. what'd I slip on??" I had fallen face first onto the floor, I looked back and saw.. my familiar quickly scrambling up to my face to check if I was right, I sat up and picked him up.

"Hey buddy, I thought I said to stay on the coffee table.. I would've been right back* I closely examined him to see if he sustained any injuries.. but then again.. he's a slime.

"Heh.. guess I don't really need to see if you're physically okay huh?*
I lightly rubbed the top of his head with my index finger as he purred happily. His lighter.. center.. nucleus?? I'm actually not sure what it is but whatever it is that's not exactly see through seemed to be fine, so I'm not all that worried.
I stood back up, thankfully the only thing that was hurt was my pride.

"Hmm.. here, stay in that." I said and put him in an empty teacup. He purred happily and I walked to the kitchen, I grabbed out small veggie portions and a few small meat portions as well. When I returned the slime was still in the teacup, he seemed pretty happy in it..

"How about I just call you teacup? You seem to like being in one.." teacup's purring was now extremely audible even from where I was in the doorway to the kitchen, he seemed pretty happy about the name. He even went as far as sinking into the teacup a little.. wait, did he get bigger? He's spilling out of the teacup, when I put him in there he literally fit perfectly. What the.. might just be my imagination or something though.. oh well, I'll have to un-summon teacup at some point..  but that'll be later, first I want to see if he wants to eat.

after I set out the small food portions, I picked up the teacup and  poured him back onto the coffee table, he seemed to actually enjoyed that.. maybe he thinks that was a little fun, it was hella cute to watch so I wouldn't mind doing it again..

"Here teacup.. you can eat these if you'd like" teacup slowly approached the meat first, he crawled into it and slowly dissolved it through his membrane.. thats um.. an unsettling sight actually.. it was gone within a few minutes and teacup actually seemed.. a little bigger? Wait, if he gets bigger after absorbing things could that mean there was a little tea left in that cup I put him in?? I mean, it's a large possibility haha.. oh well.
As I watched teacup slowly approach the plate with veggies he didn't even get onto the plate before he stopped purring and looked up at me as if to say 'what the fuck is this?'

"You don't like veggies? Hm, okay then" I took the plate and ate the few veggies I put on it and teacup went back to purring, seems like he could care less about a healthy diet.. oh well who am I to judge? Im a glutton when it comes to sweet things.. and sour things, I like food.

After a few minutes of having teacup purring on my shoulder and nuzzling my face I eventually put him back in the teacup like earlier and went off to do some house chores, about an hour later I came back and saw teacup was exactly where I left him.

"Hey teacup, can.. I un-summon you until tomorrow? I'll let you ride on my shoulders while I walk to school and until classes start, after all kalego sent me home so I could name you.." teacup didn't seem bothered by this and even made a slightly different purring sound and blinked. Having his permission.. I un-summoned him..

A weak name for a weak familiar.. no doubt i'll get that stupid look from kalego when I tell him teacup's name. I swear I'm going to punch him in that smug face of his..

(I'm going to be attempting to updated more but no promises.. I'm sorry!)

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