2. Sick.

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Barry woke up, feeling terrible. His head acked, his whole body acked, that he could barely walk. He had just walked into Star Labs for his training.

He walked in, and saw Cisco, and Caitlin. Then, what suprised him was at seeing Felicity.

"Felicity?" Barry questinoed with a groggy voice, as said women turned around, and smiled brightly at seeing him. She wlaked on over and brought him in for a hug, Barry obviously hugged back, but Felicity pulled away.

"No hello to me?" A very familiar voice spoke up, that Barry slowly turned around. Smiling brightly at seeing the one and only Oliver Queen.

"Oliver! What are you doing here?" Barry asked, walking over to bring him in for a hug, but he pulled away after a few seconds.

"A little visit." Oliver said, with a smirk that sent shivers down his spine. Barry smiled back and turned to Caitlin and Cisco with a deep sigh.

"ALright, let's get this over with." Barry mumbled, rubbing the back of his head as he did.

"Treadmill time!" Cisco annouonced, them all walking to the window, when Barry walked into the room.

At first it looked like he wasn't gonna step onto it, instead he just stared at it, before taking a deep breath and stepping onto it. He slowly started to walk, before turning it into a jog.

Barry felt like he wanted to throw up, but he couldn't. He had to run, to show his friends that he could do this. Barry took of into a normal sprint, before he felt his legs give way and he rolled of the back of the treadmill, and straight into the wall.

"Barry!" They all shouted and ran in, Caitlin was the one to place a hand onto his shoulde,r kneeling beside him. Barry was coughing, before he shook his head and looked up, he sighed and leaned against the wall.

"You look abit flushed. Are you alright?" Oliver asked, Barry only nodded, before he turned his head to cough into his arm. Caitlin placed the back of her hand onto his head, then cheek.

"Barry, you're burning up!" Caitlin exclaimed, "Let's get you to the bed. Come on. Careful now."

"I'm fine, Cat." Barry said, but Oliver had already helped him up and sat him on the bed in the lab, where Caitlin was checking his temperture again.

"I thought Barry couldn't get sick?" Felicity asked.

"That's what we thought." Cisco said.

"Must be some kind of bug what had affect him." Caitlin muttered under her breath and hooked Barry onto some sort of machine, "Barry, when did you start feeling like this?"

"Uhm, I don't know. . . I guess, last night before I went to sleep? But, I thought nothing of it and it seemed to have gotten worse over night." Barry said, "God, it feels like i've got a hangover."

A beep sounded and Barry stood up, Caitlin placing a hand onto Barry's chest to keep him there.

"What's the problem, Cisco?" Caitlin asked.

"Some guy about to jump off of a building." Cisco said, looking up then they all turned to Barry.

"Barry, no. You can't go out like this." Caitlin said.

"A hero has no days of." Barry said, running away for a moment and comeing back in his suit. He was still breathing heavily. He was about to run through the door, before it closed, and he barely stopped in time, "Alright, Cisco. Open it."

"Wasn't me." Cisco said, holding his hands up in surrender, they all looked amoungst each other, before all eyes went over to the red button, where Oliver had his hands on it.

"You're over worked Bear." The first tiem Oliver ever used that nickname, and it made Barry weak in the knees, "Some heros need time of. And, you are gonna get that time of."

Oliver was now standing inches away from Barry, Cisco, Felicity and Caitlin all leaving the room.

Without thinking, Barry slowly moved towards Oliver when he grabbed his wrist to lead him over to the bed in the room, haveing him sit down.

"You need rest. Let the Cops handle it." Oliver said softly, brushing a hand over Barry's knee, he took a deep sigh, before he felt his eyes lids become heavy.

Before he knew it, barry was fast asleep against the pillow, Olivers hand still being on his knee, he slowly removed it, and pulled the blankit up to his shoulders.

"Jeez. Don't think he's ever fallen asleep that fast." Caitlin said, her, Felicity, and Cisco all walking into the room, "How'd you convince him to stay?"

"Wasn't hard. Guess he was to tired to argue." Oliver replied, with a shrug, eyes still onyo Barry.

"Well, let's just hope he gets the rest he needs." Felicity said, giving Oliver a pat on the back, before walking over to the computers.

"Yeah." Oliver muttered, eyes still fiaxated onto Barry.

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