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Rebecca rode up on the afternoon train, it was sunny. She was in a worry of getting her child from his school. The boy have got into trouble but thanks to his friends, the cuarrel didn't grow. When she sat on her seat, she realized how fast she had walked to catch the train. There's still 10 minutes though. She tought. It must have been the argue that happened at the morning, made her walk in a rush, made her response the thoughts inside her mind with her steps. No matter how much I hurt myself with those thoughts, It won't change anything. She tried to calm herself down. There were hard to hear bird singing when the train set off. Owing only to those incredible scenes, she was agreed with his husband's idea of moving here even though the place was far away from the center of the town. Yet she still couldn't reminisce herself with a smile on her face along with those magnificent views.

She stood up to get off the train, pulled her gown right after. She wanted to fix her appearance first which may have caused with being late. While she was looking for a mirror around, she saw her reflection in a window at the cross. Got closer and touch the shaggy blonde hair and put the lipstick on, that she took out of her bag. Despite her son's situation, she couldn't risk her impression.

And a little boy, who was a newspaper seller – However it wasn't hard to guess that he was only doing his job, she looked at him with a botherness in her face- got close tor her and said "Hello ma'm, would you like to read today's news? This one has a mysterious death." She was about to apoligize and reject but her eyes were caught by a recognizible face. She took the paper without saying anything. Read the lines. " The owner of Standard Oil, William Hale was found death in his house last night. It is said that his heart couldn't take the danger of bankruptcy that he has been dealing with..." She couldn't believe what she've seen. "Bill.." she said the pinname of his. She would never think that the time when she ever heard about him again would happen like this.

Their path had crossed when a common friend had disappeared. There hadn't been anyone who had tried to do something except them in spite of their age. Even the police. Notwithstanding, they hadn't succeed either. On the other hand they had gain a strong friendship. No matter how bad the case was, which was based on. She pictured him in a tree, an 8 years old boy climbing over it so that he could show off.  She lauged. Their saltbox house –in fact it was his grandmother's old house- on the coast and all the memories around it... Seeing him all around her childhood was the reason for the tear in her cheek. She couldn't believe herself because of ereasing such a friend. She wanted to tell him everything. She finally found someone whom she could trust, who could help her to figure out how to erase from being numb. Now that he's gone, the dream of it was gone either. Her ringtone was heard all of a sudden. The princible's name were on her old phone. She put the paper back, looked at herself one last time and left the station.

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