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During the spring wind I saw her at the lake. I was just walking and then I looked to my right seeing this gorgeous godess, Olivia prickyard. I walked up ti her nervously with butterflies in my stomach And the words that came out of my mouth were a bit shaky. "H-h-h-hi y-you're really p-pretty" I tucked my hair behind my ear still pretty nervous eagerly waiting for her response. "Hi i'm livvy prickyard 🤗 I'm new to the neighborhood and I need someone to show me around..."  I look at her, my eyes glow hearing her voice for the first time " Y-yeah i'll show you a-around i guess...." Suddenly my nervousness goes away and my butterflies dissapear. She wants me?! A weird girl thats walking around the neighborhood? She chose me?? IM THE CHOSEN ONE! harry potter im coming for you. I sit next to her "OF COURSE I WILL" we get up and take a stroll to the end of the street I show her the beautiful sight sees of the trees and the water. I gaze into her eyes as she watched a seagull went on top of the water livvy looks at me with huge excitement "LOOK AT THE SEAGULL OH GOLLY DREAM OH WHOOPTY DOO" I looked at the seagull as she was getting excited about the bird. This dumb bitch who gets excited about a bird? My future girlfriend. Thats who. I take her on a little walk into the woods where shane pops out "lemme tell you sum man, were in the woods" an then he dissapeared out of no where! 😱 "well isnt that weird." I never seen a man come out of a forest before exlaims something so odd yetso inspirational I take livvys hand scared as we walked to the forest I watched as her hands started to shake. My poor baby girl :( I found this couch in this forest but its clean and  magical. I sit a stride my legs out, Patting my thigh waiting for her to jump on my lap. "Do yhu want to sit on my lap baby grill" I said
"Why yes I do that sounds like a GOOD DEAL" she said
The girl sits on my lap and starts heading towards my face both of us blushing uncontrollably. "Yknow you can just, kiss first and get it over with sweetheart"
"But pookie in a forest?! But yknow what, thats my kink"
"This is the kind of thing  that just tickles my balls" We both crashed our lips together and start going at it our lips just crashed together in such a passionate way. I let out smol cute moans as her tounge goes into my mouth we made out in such a lovin way I didn't know that a girl like this could turn me on. Suddenly a walker comes out of nowhere and we start running for the hills however, a big strong man comes out to save us "ITS ALRIGHT GUYSSS" the guy hits the walker with a bat and then says "EASY PEESY LEMON SQUESSY"  he walks up to us in a very bouncy manner. " HOW ARE Y'ALL DOIN ON THIS PRODUCTIVE DAMN DAY?!" "MY NAMES NEGAN AND I SAW THAT YOU WERE ABOUT TO GET BIT BY A WALKER!! ISNT THAG SOMETHING??!" "sir t-t-t-t-thank you for saving m-m-m-my girlfriend a-and I." we are very appreciative of this bouncy fellow saving us he seems pretty cool! Amd without him we COULD'VE DIED 😱 but yknow what i wanted to die anyways since im a depressive mf. My sister didn't get me anything from the store 😒 she's a bitch. And I'm a fat ass cunt who likes to eat and shit. 🥟🥟And I'll tell you what 🥟🥟 that is a very weird trait of mine but its something i can't fix on my own 😞 I need a strong man specifically named negan to help me with it. So negan is my new best friend and livvy is my girlfriend is also his best friend. And now were in a predicament of Walkers everywhere!! So I brought out my phone and started blasting the absolute fuck of a song named "imma kill you" by icp and then he starts singing "first i smack your head with a bat bloody splat cracked with impact wind it back whack your cheekbones" and he keeps on singing his little song performing a concert in while hes killing these walkers. Wow isn't that magical. The way he hit it with a bat my ovaries explode with happiness but not as much as I see livvy though. I knew shane was right about the woods. Just then we walked and saw another shane fucking his cat 😱😱😱 and we saw draycoe the cat pissed on him to mark his territory. Draco screamed like a little girl and ran away! Then liccy started smacking my ass while i was throwing it back. And negan was throwing money [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] at us in slow motion. "You the snake without the rattle you're the horse without the saddle I think you should skidaddle" the walker said. Livvy and I both ran away leaving negan rap battling the walkers. He ofc won and then died cause they got mad. As we were walking away livvy looked at me "thank you." "No problem sweetums" She then kissed me and started to fuck me right by Christophers house he then came outside and then started shooting us while calling us faggots. Well with the power of friendship the bullets ricocheted off us and onto him and then he died but he deserved it cause he kept wearing a #dissapointment hoodie. Livvy then fucked me i became pregnant with a negan and she left me for donald.

The end

By: danni mo manny and crista bo bista

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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