just a little intro

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Hey guys!! It's Crow, wassup! So I recently watched one of my fav movies again: Ghost Rider!

Literally one of my fav comfort movies in all my life! Great movie, really! There's two!! WATCH THEM!!!

If you have seen them, of course it won't be the exact same. There's going to be a lot of things different regarding the fanfic and movie, but it will be having the same Ghost Rider feel!

I'm honestly really excited to write this story! I'm going to be writing long chapters, so they will definitely take a bit to come out. Of course not weeks but maybe a week at most.

Also, fair warning, it will definitely get dark. Like- extremely dark. And I'm considering adding smut, but it's a consideration. And it will be Bowser centered, sorta. Like- not necessarily slowburn since Bowuigi is already established, but it will take a bit for encounters on some scenes.

Also I will be adding ocs to help with the plot obviously.

Well! Time to start the actual intro!! I hope you guys like the story! I know I will!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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