Dear Girl

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Who are you? What makes you happy? What's your favorite memory? What do you do for fun? Who cares about you? What makes it obvious they do? Who wants you and what are their reasons to?
See that's not even the point, all I want to know is who are you?, how is your life, what are your challenges and what gets you up in the morning?. Do you know?. You know some people know and have answers to at least a third of these questions but you, you don't even remember the happy times of your childhood all that is imbedded on the back of your mind is every bad dream you had, every insult they said, every life shattering moment you have ever experienced. I can't say "I am sorry that's the life you remember because", it was never your fault to be the one to apologize .

I am just an older version of the child you were and even I can't remember my good times. All I see clearly is the time they all left, the time they stopped checking up on me, the time I didn't matter and the time they actively stopped loving me. You and I are the same you know, you and I don't know who we are, and because of that instead of healing the damaged parts of us we create a whole new chapter where nothing happened yet. The bigger question is how many more chapters, how many more reboots until we are lost for good?

Hi, do you know me? Does anyone know me? Can anyone show me a way back? Not back home I never had one, just show me a way back to my first self maybe I could hug her shattered soul back together. Back to My first reboot was when He, my second one when She , one of the many that followed was when They. Because After all that it gets blurry and fades to black, I don't remember anything and I am now this version.
Hi, do I know you? Who am I.

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