Contest Entry

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So this is my entry for Anaville's (Sorry if I got that wrong) contest to draw an OC

Name: Paint Splash
Age: 16 (not my age lol)
Gender: Not Specific
Species: ....


Theme Song: Monster by Skillet
Motto: "Dare to try your luck?"

Being Backstory:
A masked creature that lives in an alternate universe, sucking up people from the real world and into their game. It's called 'The Game Of Life', and is kind of like the board game, but the people are little animate dolls in a little city, and whoever runs out of alive dolls first loses.
The rule of the game is that the loser dies, so if Paint were to lose (Which never happens), the player selected to play with him/her would become the new GameMaster.
At the beginning of the game, Paint states that it's a dream, and unlike the bloodied self in the drawing, they look completely innocent, and if the player agrees, it begins, and if the player says no, they 'wake up'


I know I'm not the best artist, so I probably won't win but..... Meh.

Art Book Of Failure!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora