Chapter 6

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It was raining, and I almost got struck by lightning, not the best thing but I'll live, I was being chased by a group of thugs and I needed to throw them off my trail, then again it is my fault for this, I did steal from them after all, I darted down a narrow ally way heading for the busy streets ahead, I can't believe that father made me do this, he could have just done it himself, but then again, he is getting rather old, and sister is also to fragile for this, at least that is what father says, I don't believe him tho, I mean she is only a year younger than me! Sure she may not have a strong quirk, but that doesn't mean that I have to do it, she can fly! That means that she would be able to get away faster! I just have a pair of light blue wings that are on fire 24/7! I can fly with them, but it take so much energy! Sis however just has to use her mind to be able to fly! Then again, I was adopted so I'm pretty sure that father just regrets adopting me and is making me do this as a way to kill me, honestly, if you want someone dead then just kill them yourself and make it look like an accident or suicide, Idk. "Hey! You! Stop right there and give us back our goods! We stole them fair and squire!" Hah, idiots, the crowd probably heard that and plus, there are heroes a few steps ahead on patrol "GOD DAMMIT KID! GET BACK HERE" "Hey what's going on here?!" "He stole from us!" "Yes but you stole these from a shop, and father told me not to get my hands dirty so I just stole from you instead, although it's annoying that you wake up every time, I mean, you guys steal practically every day, just go steal again" "Damn brat! Give them back!" "Yea no, you'll have to catch me and I saved up enough energy so that I can actually use my quirk, so ya, bye bitch" and with that I spread my wings and flew away, they called hawks to try and catch me but because of all the energy I saved up, (I have to waste energy to be able to use it as flight energy) I was rather fast, so hawks couldn't catch up, but he did try and send a feather after me but I just burnt it, so I guess that means mission success. However little did I know, he sent one to follow me and it was well hidden so I didn't spot it until it went away, I quickly burned it but because of hawks quirk he knew where me, sis and my dad lived now, but I was happy that he knew, I also told the feather that they better arrest my father because I was not strong enough to hurt him, plus he put an electric collar on my neck and electric bracelets on me as well, so He could just taser me at any time, it also has a tracker in it so he'll just find me, even if I burnt the collar, he also put a tracker in my ear! But I stole it and told the feather that hawks could hear through that if they saved me I would give them the tracker, just as long as they didn't give it to the hero commission.

Two days later

I had been wondering when, if they were , coming to save me, I had to go on another mission today, I'm pretty sure that my father was almost done with using me, so he was bound to kill me soon, so I decided to try and hide, after all, I'll just say that I had to use a different technique to get the stuff because they were on watch and they hid the stuff better because they were getting used to my patterns, and then I'll return home later than usual. A few minutes after I arrived home father gave me quite the horrible beating, as well as turning my collar on so I was laying there being tarred by a collar and bracelets while he to out a spiked belt and was about to start hitting me with it when suddenly the pro heroes arrived and my father went looking for them trying to get rid of them but he just ended up getting arrested, then they had to search the place and they found me in the attic bleeding to death almost unconscious.

When they took me to the hospital they didn't think that it would be that bad, but then when the test results came in they said that if it had gone on a little more than I probably would have been in a coma for a few months, maybe even years! They said that I was lucky that I got the help when I did, otherwise if they didn't help, I wouldn't even be alive, I guess I have to thank Hawks later when I get to speak to him. "Hey kid... you okay?" "Hmm? Oh yea! I'm great! This is the best I have been ever since I was five! I wanted to say thank you to you for saving my life! If you hadn't sent that feather after me, I would be dead!" "Hm, yea... but kid, seriously, why did he do that to you?" "Oh... I dunno, after he adopted me he started to hit me and send me after things, and since I was five then I hadn't been with my quirk for long, so I knew little about it" "I am sorry kid" "Hm? Why are you sorry? You literally saved me!" "I know, but... if I had gotten everyone to believe me sooner then you wouldn't have gotten hit again..." it seemed as though he had gone through similar things when he was a child and he felt Quilty that he couldn't stop it from happening to another child "Well, at least it was then and not later, but... you have been through similar things too, haven't you... what ever happened to you when you were a child? It must have been rough, judging by the tone of your voice" "Yeah... my mom and dad were villains, so they didn't trust me to not tell on the police, since we had a TV I was able to watch it, and I thought that heroes weren't real and that they were fictional, but I ran away and met a wonderful person named Toya, he was my best friend... I ended up developing a crush on him, me and him both were trained by the hero commission, Toya couldn't take their lies tho, he didn't want to be a puppet, then one day... at his house when he was training, a fire started, he couldn't escape, they never found the body, but no one thinks that he's still alive, but... I just have this feeling that he's out there, somewhere, and I feel like I've seen him before... but enough of me, you'll be in the hospital for sometime until they think that your fit enough to leave, I'll come and visit sometimes" "Okay! See you next time! Bye Hawks!" With that he left, I was stunned about his past, poor Hawks, must be so hard, having your friend die but have this feeling that he's still out there, alive, and that you've seen him... If only I could help in someway...

I'm trying so shut the hell up.

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