Chapter Three.

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After Jo paid for her phone she put her phone to her face as she began speaking to her mother telling her she was going to be with Jessie for a while and she might head to her dads house. Well that was something I just learned about Jo; her parents aren't together. I could say I know how she feels but I know nothing about her and I don't think she's going to tell me anything spite the fact that this is our second time even meeting.

So Zayn and I walked around with Jessie and Jo, I don't know where to, but apperantly they hd this small little plce they alwys went to, it was between a Starbucks and a Subway and everything in front was traffic. Jessie called it Ireland and I laughed having an idea on why they called it Ireland.

Jessie sid she brought us there because it's mostly their hang out spot, and if we wanted to find them during the day or something, it'll most likely be there. Apperantly their school was only a block or two away, and then we began walking again.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket a couple of times, but I just ignored it. I noticed now that Jo hs her phone back all she does is text, but a smile didn't reach her face and she kept glaring at me. After a while I took a hint and grabbed my phone out of my pocket seeing a bunch of text messages from a weird number.

"Wanna get away from these peoples?"

"Niall, check your phone."


"Jesus, I know you feel your phone vibrating."


I laughed at all the text messages and looked at everyone looking at me. I cleared my throat and shook my hed because looking down back at my phone and began tapping away.

"Where would we go?"

I pressed send, I watched as Jo instantly got the text message and smiled. She didn't reply to my text, she just put her phone in her pocket of her hoodie before walking over to Jessie and whispered something in her ear. I don't understnd girls, trying to tell secrets; just say it! But hey, two could play at this game right?

I grabbed Zayan's neck and pulled him closer to me, "you think you could just leave me and Jo alone for a while? I'll be back before nine."

Zayn chuckled shaking his head but a smile was on his face and he looked up at me, "I don't see why you're telling me, bro. We don't have tour, nor any promos or anything for the next two months. You do what you want." He chuckled.

I laughed, how could I forget the fact that I have vacation forget I didn't have to do anything for the next two months? That's a great idea to stay with Jo for a while too, get to know more of her, if she wants to know more of me that is.

Jessie announced that she was going to be heading home, and she offered to take Zayn back train since she has to pass his stop anyway. We said out goodbyes and Jessie murmured for me to be myself and not to get nervous around her. I mean, that was difficult, I was nervous to be alone with her because I didn't know what to do, usually I would have the guys around with me and it'll make the conversational situation to come out more effortlessly. But when it's just one on one it's more of a personal thing and it could go wrong at any given moment.

"Would you like to meet my dad?" Jo asked breaking my thought as we began crossing the street.

I liked this side of New York. It was more stripped back and everything was close by, the store's down the street, school's around the corners and it's all in walking distance unless you're going to somewhere else. "That's a little early don't you think?" I bit my tongue thinking about what I just said.

Jo laughed at me though, "no you idiot. My dad's a cool guy, and plus you'll be living proof that you actual gave me your number and I'm not lying about that." Jo looked away from me as she grabbed my wrist and rushed me across the large street, we had about twelve seconds left, "when I was in the ninth grade, I knew this girl who died crossing this street. I mean, I didn't really know her personally, but I seen her around my middle school before and then I leave my middle school and go to high school and she's all over the news and all over the internet." Jo shrugged, "I just get a bit nervous crossing this street."

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