Chapter 1: "I Remember"

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Natasha sat down in the plane on the way to Wakanda. Wanda was comforting Vision who keeps having some langue enter his brain. Natasha mind is elsewhere. Bucky's memories are restored. The only thing keeping Natasha company is the rampaging thought on how many memories are restored in Bucky's mind? 

"Hey," Steve walked over and sat by Natasha, "You okay? You look nervous." 

Natasha sits up straight from her humped over posture and replied, "I'm good, thanks Steve."

Steve returns back to his post by the pilots, discussing the location. Once we land,  the king and guards of Wakanda are there to greet us. Natasha walks out first beside Steve's side. Behind her, Natasha could hear Bruce ask Rhodey if they should bow or not.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something," Steve smiles and shakes hands with Kind T'Challa. 

Bruce clears his throat and bows, receiving a confused, "Wha-what are you doing?" from Rhodey.

"Uh- we- we don't do that here," King T'Challa informs Bruce, and Rhodey smirks. T'Challa turns to Steve, "So how big of an assult are we expecting?" 

The group walks to the palace, Bruce stuttering a responce to T'Challa's question, "Uh-uh-uh sir? You should expect quite a big assult."

"How we lookin'," Natasha asks refering to who's on their side. 

"You will have my Kings Gaurd, The Border Tribe, the Daughter Majounin," Then T'Challa raises his hand to a man coming to the group.

"-A semi-stable 100 year old man," Bucky finishes. 

Steve beams with joy and hugs his old bestie. "How you been Buck?" Bucky inhales, "Ah, not bad been round the world." 

Natasha avoids eye contact and looks up to the sky then her eyes resting on the floor.

Everyone heads inside the palace for a debriefing. Natasha starts to walk into the palace, but someone grabs her hand and tugs her back to them. Her captor's hand are gently resting on her upper back, while her arms are caught in between the two, with her hands on his chest. She avoids his gaze. 

"You seriously gonna act like I don't remember anything, Natalia?" Natasha gasps breathlessly. She hasn't heard that nickname in a long long time and there was only one person who she allowed to call her that. She's too afraid to look up at him, afraid all the emotions will come rushing back. "Natalia," His hand gently forces her to look up at him. Just like she predicted, all her memories, all her emotions from those days back in the Red Room came flooding back. 

"James," The name rolls off her tongue gratefully. Just by a name, she's filled with childish love like she was all those years ago, safe in James Buchanan Barnes' arms once again. 

Bucky's left hand moves up to caress Natasha's cheek as he slowly leans down. Bucky's lips parted Natasha's. Natasha moaned awareness and broke the kiss, "So. . .you remember?" 

"I remember everything, and you were the one good thing in all of it," Bucky replied making Natasha blush. 

"I gotta go make sure Cap has everything under control, you coming?" 

"Nah, I'll stay out here."

"Suit yourself."

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