Chapter 3: The Return

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A/N: I put my own little spin on the first scene, how you like it WinterWidow fans!!

5 years later

Electricity crackled inside a van in a Storage Unit. The machinery inside began to power up. Two humans are launched from the back of the van. Scott Lang groans in pain as he hits the fence and pushes the trash bag off himself. He takes off his mask and breathes. When static begins to appear on his suit he swats his shoulder til the spark was put out. 

Another voice groaned in annoyance and heaved himself off the trash bags. Scott sits up and stares at the unknown person, "Who the hell are you?" 

The person snapped his head towards Scott and looks around, "This isn't Wakanda. . .Where am I?"

"I'm wondering the same thing, person. First, answer my question: Who. The. Heck. Are. You?" Scott pursues.

"You first," The man replied. 

"Scott Lang."

"Bucky Barnes. Kay, Now that we are accqainted, Let's get the heck out of here I need to make sure someone is alright." Bucky said hastily. 

. . .

Steve sets his keys down on the table and took a seat across from Natasha. Her hair grew out in the past five years, her red hair started to grow back from the top of her head, leaving the ends white.  Steve inhales, "You know, I keep telling everyone to move on. . .To grow. Some do. . .But not us."

"If I move on who does this," Natasha remarked sadly. 

"Maybe it doesn't need to be done," Steve replied patiently. 

"I used to have nothing. Then I got this. . .This job. . .This family," Natasha smiled to herself at her last thing on the list, "And I was. . .I was better because of it. And even though. . .They're gone. . ." She scoffed, "I'm still trying to be better." 

"I think we both need to get a life," Steve remarked. 

Natasha sniffled, "You first." 

Beep!! Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!

A screen popped up in front of Natasha, and she swiped it to the side carelessly. A bigger screen appeared behind Steve revealing a man and Bucky right outside the compound. 

"Oh hi, HI! Is anyone home?? This is Scott Lang," the man shouted to the speaker.

Steve turned around wided eyed when she raised her hand to her mouth. Scott continued his intoduction, "We met a few years ago? At the airport in Germany? I was the guy that got really big, I had a mask on." 

Steve stood up at the site of his old friend, "Is this an old message?" 

Natasha stood up too, "It's the front gate." she replied breathlessly. 

. . .

Scott sighed and put his hand on his hips, "I don't think they're home."

Bucky groaned untill he heard a familiar call. The gate opened. 

"James!" Natasha called running into Bucky's arms. He embraced her gratefully burrowing his face in the crook of her neck. "Natalia," He whispered. Steve chuckled, "So it was her all along, that you asking me on the day you poofed out. 

"It was always Natalia, It was always her," James replied, "She has been in my life since HYDRA brought me out of Kryo-Phase, Not only is she my savior, but she is also the-"

Natasha rises up on her toes and brings her mouth to his, cutting James' sentance short. He quickly returned the kiss before lovingly looking back into her eyes. "Natalia Romanova helped me remember what it felt like to be human again."

Natasha kissed him again before being dramaticly swept of her feet by James carrying her bridal style to the compound. 

Scott walked over to Steve and whispered, "Is it just me who thinks that it's just weird seeing them like that. Weren't they in they Germany enemies, back then?"

"One: Yes, they're both my best friends and seeing them like that just makes my stomach flip flop and it makes me nauseous. Two: Key word: 'Back Then'," Steve replies, patting Scott's back before following the Winter Soldier and Assassin, "Nothing is ever as it seems, Scott."

Scott scratched his head. Steve smiled at his best friends romantic banter. Natasha was finally complete. Bucky was finally complete. 

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