Chapter 1: Inferno Within

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In the dimly lit room, there was silence except for Bakugos breathing. The feeble glow of a cheap small lamp cast long shadows across his face. A familiar frown appeared on his lips as his mind spun with relentless thoughts. He couldn't afford to reveal his weaknesses—no one could witness them, not his so-called friends, not even his own parents. Every time he allowed himself to feel something other than anger, it only brought him pain, both mental and physical. Fear, sadness, even happiness—each emotion can be used as a potential weapon against him.

Standing up from his bed, Bakugo rubbed his eyes, attempting to dispel the weariness that came from his sleepless nights. Ignoring the persistent throbbing in his head, he paid no mind to his disheveled appearance like usual. His hair was tousled resembling a haystack, his uniform creased and crumpled.

He was running late. It was already 8:35, a departure from his usual punctuality that often saw him arriving ahead of the teachers. Quickly grabbing his bag, he didn't even glance or think about his growling stomach. Training scenarios where he lacked food or water had become his new normal. His grip tightened around the strap of his bag—he knew these thoughts weren't normal. He shoved those thoughts down.

Facing the classroom door, its prominent letters "1-A" seemed to mock him, eliciting a curl of disgust and anger upon his lips. It was as these simple bold red letters taunted him as if saying "You'll never make it as a hero." He will show everyone they were wrong. He has too.


So this is not even my first fanfic! It's my second, my first being wrote 3 years ago! My grammar has gotten better, I also plan on putting this fanfic on Ao3 for more feedback and etc. It's bad for a first chapter I know, but this chapter is supposed to tell you, my wonderful readers what exactly bakugo thinks day to day! I'll try as hard as I can to make him as original and true to character as possible. There will be no romance or ships in this fanfic but there will be implied crushes from Bakugos other classmates. It will be written in third person omniscient view! Don't expect me to update this weekly lol.

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