The Reaper

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It's the middle of the night, the cold breeze playing with your hair. Sometimes you have to slide it behind your ears from your eyes. 1 weeks prior, the same day you promised to yourself, as well as Cyno and Tighnari, that you want to seek revenge. And you ment it. The once bussling city is now almost completly still. Just some courious eyes peeking throu the balkonies. Warm streetlamps lighting up your surroundings. On any other day, this would be a nice, cold night ride. But in reality, you're just waiting for your cue. Siting on your motorcycle, with one of your leg on the floor for support. You reload your pistol, and a miniature crossbow, that you made. You prefer the pistol more, but the crossbow can be handy when you need to be quiet. After all, you don't have much phisical strenght, so you need to balance that with your speed, flexibility and craftiness. After a long wait, you finaly got your cue. Xiao sent you a quick morse-code type message throu the speaker. Than you see the two general woosh by next to you. You follow them in an instant, lining between them, with Cyno in front and Xiao behind. This was the formation you three are familiar with, Cyno protecting from the front (since Tighnari threatend him to harm him otherwise), and Xiao from the back (for him is purely from his original role as Guardian Yaksha). You three speeding thou the city's dead silent streets in perfect sync, like a well-oiled mashine. 

   <Cyno> ,,The Reaper has been reported at the old museum. Be ceareful." He spoke on the speaker. 

From his tone of voice, you can tell, he grown a bit more worried from the week earlier. Maybe he knows some new info, you don't? Nah, can't be. He's too honest to lie. But on the other hand, Xiao also seems to be more wary, which is a really alarming sign to you. You heard that most of the time, he deals with dangerous demons, so he surely seen some stuff. Altho, sometimes mere humans can be more dangerous than demons. This Reaper case proves it. As previously you learned, this Reaper is actualy a simple mortal human, who killed tens of people just in one night, with a toxic liquid gas, that even Tighnari can't understand, let alone cure it. But the question is...why is it do that? Why that Reaper guy killing innocent people in such a cruel way?'s not just killing people, they turn into some kind of...plant-zombies. Bleeded out, vines and thorns growing out from the inside of the body. It's not just about killing, it's torturing. The mobrid, gruesome sceene in the hospital burned deeply into your mind. The road to the museum was a long one, even on motorcycles with lightning-speed, since it was the complete oppisite side of the city. 

   <Cyno> ,,Remember the plan. <Y/N>, don't get close to the killer. It's too dangerous."

You really hate this situation. You want to help more, but he's right. Cyno have an ancient spirit posessing him, and Xiao a straight up Yaksha. Not even human. And you're only a simple human with a vision and a gun. You know, that it's for your own good. But you hate this anyway. The feeling of powerlessness. You're just want to be more helpful. But at least, you can help Cyno paralyse the killer from a distance. And you will give in any- and everything you've got. You want to prove your capeableness, and you will prove it. You take a deep breath as you realise, you're almost there.

The museum is now on sight, but something's wrong. It's complete stillness there. Not a single sign of life. You're too late? Cyno signing you to stay behind, as he and Xiao scanning throu the place. And you stay. And listening carefully, like an eagle for it's pray. Hands anxiously on the motor steering. Obviously, the Reaper's not a fool. It's can be anywhere, even behind you. Chill running down on your spine to the thaught. You see the cold light of the headlamps as the boys searching around. They seems to be anxious as well. Something just dosen't ad up. It's a very open area, if the Reaper felt, you surely noticed it. So it has to be somwhere there. 

Than suddenly a figure walking out from the shadows near your partners. From the body structure itself, the Reaper's a man. A very muscular one. His clothes are pitch black, perfect for lurking in the shadows. But his movements are just...strange. He looks like a deranged patient from an asylum. It's suddenly hits you. Detective Heizou mentioned a case that fits the description. Around 2-3 years ago, a dangerously deranged patient had escaped from the asylum nearby. Than shortly after, Cyno said that he was chasing a robber, who broke in a lab that Spantama students use for researching potions, and stole a highly dangerous crystal. The timeline lines up too perfectly. And from Cyno's swift reaction, he surely put the events together. Now the stakes are more high. And the conversation you hearing from them, is conforming your fear. 

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