33 2 7


TW: Police, yelling, swearing, kidnapping




Tick, tick, tick...

The old grandpa clock boomed loudly throughout the house

Quackity and Wilbur loved antiques to death, they always went to shops looking for the beauties.

Quackity walked up onto the step in front of the door, he then pushed the doorbell. The sound rang throughout the house.

(Italic is Quackity btw)

"Wilbur, I'm home! Could you come to answer the door please love?" he yelled loud enough so that anyone from inside the house could hear him.

No response. Quackity felt a cold wind from behind his back, giving him chills. His stomach caving in, maybe he was asleep!

He took his spare key and unlocked the oak door, however. It was already opened. That was odd...

Opening it gently and quietly to not 'wake' up Wilbur.

He probably forgot to lock the door.

He shut the door as quietly as he did when he entered. He put his bag down and slowly crept up the stairs.

He noticed an open door, with an open window.

He walked towards the door, knocking softly.

"Wilbur, are you in there?" he asked.

No response.

He started to panic, where could Wilbur have possibly gone? They were happy together, right? He thought for a minute, then thought of an idea. He rushed to every room around the house, yelling out for his husband. Still, no response. His voice boomed throughout the house.

"Wilbur... It''s not funny, where are you??" He asked.

He started to panic. He checked his phone to see if Wilbur left the house and forgot to tell him. No messages. Not a single one. He checked Wilbur's location too. His phone was still at home. Quackity felt the world stop. He didn't know what to do, it was like losing a 6-year-old in a crowded market or strangers.

He sat down on the couch, nervously, wondering where his beloved husband could be. He couldn't breathe.

He was feeling sick, sick to the core even. (😳...) He picked up his phone and quickly dialled the police.

He sat and waited for an answer

And he got his answer

(Bold is the police, italic is quackity)

"911 how may I help you?"

"Help... P-please... My husband isn't at home and, and-"

His throat tightened, he'd never thought he would have to call the police, ever.

"He's not in our house and- Our window was open and same with the door- And I just don't know where he is, and I'm panicking and i-i tried to check his location, but his phones at home and I'm REALLY scared."

"Are you positive he's not in the house sir?" asked the lady on the other side of the phone

"Positive... I wish I wasn't..."

"Alright, we'll send the police your way honey, just sit tight, lock all doors and see if there are any intruders in or lurking outside of your house. What's your address?"

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