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Finally Olive opened her eyes. She shot up, and scanned the room. Her eyes darted to the foot of her bed where a grey backpack with a green olive sewed on it was. She quickly scrambled to grab the backpack and ran out the door towards the forest.

Olive then heard that she was being followed and she ran even faster and once she was under the cover of the trees she climbed one with expert skill.

"Oi! You act like I'm gonna bloody murder you shank!" A girls voice, with an accent similar to Newt's, called out, laughing slightly. Olive scrambled farther up the tree.

"I don't think I caught your name." Mystery girl said, sinking down and moving her foot as a strange bug scampered past her foot. For a moment, there was silence, before Olive's exotic, shy and quiet voice came from above.

"Olive. My name is Olive." The girl looked like she was resisting the urge to snicker, thinking of the sour green olives Frypan had once served.

"How do I know I can trust you? What's your name?" Olive asked the stranger.

"Name's Vera." Said person responded. Olive then made her way down to a lower branch and sat there, peering down at the figure below her.

"I like your eyes," Olive said shyly, as if afraid to say something wrong, "They're really pretty." Vera grinned, though to Olive it only looked halfway genuine.

"Thanks. Most of the shuck-faces I have the-" Vera pursed her lips. "pleasure of living with, say that they're either creepy or look better when I wink with the sass of Minho."

Vera shut one eye, and Olive almost was under the impression they were simply grey before they were two colours again.

Olive nodded, leaning back against the main trunk of the tree. "How long have you been here anyways?"

Vera thought for a minute before her eyes widened in shock. "224 days nearly. Bloody 'ell." Olive stared off with a frown on her face, what she asked Vera next was surprised her. Well, both of them, she shouldn't be trusting everyone she came across:

"Have you ever had... dreams about what was before this. About your family?"

"No, have you?" Vera said, curiosity lacing her tone. Olive got the feeling she was lying, but she didn't push the matter. It wasn't time yet.

"While I was out, I still don't know how long that was, I had two main dreams so to say," she paused for a second," One was about six girls and the other was..."

"Was of who, what?" Vera asked intrigued. Olive slunk down out of the tree to the ground beside her new friend.

"My sisters." Was Olive's answer.

And a stick cracked in the woods nearby. Grabbing Olive's arm, who was by now sitting next to her, Vera ran. Fast.

"Who was that?" Olive asked as they came to a stop.

"I don't know." Was Vera's reply.

"I think it would be better if we talk on a tree branch so no one can see us..." Olive suggested.

Just then, both of their arms were snatched up by unknown hands, and they were dragged into the light out of the woods.

"Found 'em Alby." A gruff voice spoke. Olive didn't recognise it herself, but Vera seemed to.

"Gally. Let me go." She growled. Gally chuckled. "You say so girly." And Olive watched as her friend was thrown to the ground at Alby's feet. She glared with hate filled eyes at Gally who looked spooked but kept his composure.

"Shank, what you doin' in the dead heads after the walls have closed?" Alby said, crouching down so he could look the now kneeling Vera in the eyes.

"Had to get Olive." Vera muttered as she scrambled to her feet.

"She's right you know?" Olive pointed out, seeing as the two boys who had taken care of her weren't aware of her absence.

Alby looked at her. "You. Get back to where you came from. Now. I'll deal with you in the morning." Gally released her arm, shoving her slightly towards the door of the house she'd run out of.

"Go Olive." Vera urged her, as she was pulled to her feet by Alby. Olive watched Vera rip her arm from Alby's grasp and make a remark that caused his eyes to flash in anger before Gally gave Olive another push towards what she'd heard Alby call the homestead.

Olive who was already pissed off by the way these boys were treating her and her new friend, made it look like she was going to this 'homestead' but ended up running back to the cover of the trees climbing one again. But not before she said:

"Sinceramente, son muy mal educados."

She had the feeling that Vera would find her sooner or later. But for now she made herself comfortable in a high and hidden tree branch. I could work with this, she thought, as sleep slowly got a hold of her.

Olive was woken up by someone shaking her. "Come on, thanks to you Vera hasn't gotten a bit of bloody sleep at all, worryin' outta her buggin' mind." Olive slowly opened her eyes. Newt.

She swung her legs over the side of the tree branch, timidly going down to the ground. It bothered her a bit how she was about three inches shorter than Newt. She observed him and as he said Vera's name his expression changed before going back to what it was before.

Olive, being the observant person she was thought that he might like Vera. To be completely honest she thought it was something to do with the six girls, her knowing things by simply observing. But she wouldn't be able to say. She needed concrete proof.

"Is Vera your..." Olive struggled to find the right word, "friend?"

Newt grunted. "It's a love hate relationship. Her, me and Minho share a room, so really if he's going to be buggin' sassy all the time someone might as be nice. But she does get bloody annoying and snippy sometimes."

As they walked out of the deadheads, Newt rolled his eyes, something Olive figured he did a lot judging by the way he did it so naturally.

"Olive! Where the bloody hell where you?" Vera asked as she came up to them. Olive flushed, taking notice of the dark circles under Vera's eyes.

"The deadheads." She was surprised when the older girl engulfed her in a hug. "I was bloody worried about you." She pulled back, her face growing hard. "Get upstairs and I'll see you later. You need rest." She quirked an eyebrow as Olive opened her mouth to protest.

Olive realised that this probably wasn't the best person to argue with, so she did as told and walked off.

She would have a long day ahead of her tomorrow.

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