Chapter Twenty-Four: Patricide

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In accordance with Kumiko's suggestion, Hideo paid a visit to Futoshi's place to watch the so-called movie about Godzilla, and thus left them able to get ready for bed in peace.

"So, what is this Godzilla you spoke of?" Ichiro asked while finally joining Kumiko beneath the thick covers. "You mentioned that they were a monster."

"Yes," muttered Kumiko. "That much is true." She seemed reluctant to disclose further details, but Ichiro's curiosity wouldn't let him put the subject to rest.

"Are they real? And, if so, are they a he or she?"

Kumiko sighed and rolled her eyes. "Male, I think. But it doesn't matter. It's just a creature that someone made up for a movie about Tokyo getting destroyed."

Ichiro felt profoundly uncomfortable all of a sudden. "Are you joking? Nobody's ever done such a thing for entertainment."

"They didn't literally destroy this city. Miniature models were built to make the actor playing Godzilla look like a giant in comparison."

"Oh." Ichiro reflected on the plays that had once been attended by the wealthy. "That sounds quite theatrical."

"Because it is. Movies are really just an extension of the stage, and so are television programs."

Ichiro blinked as the hypnotic imagery reared itself in his mind again. He fought to get some words out. "Why? Theater is better."

"But still inaccessible to a lot of people. It's cheaper to watch TV."

"Well, I don't like it. That thing put me in a trance."

"Whatever. You sound like an old man." Kumiko lay down with a sigh and nudged his arm. "Come on, you should sleep too. Tomorrow is Monday."

"Fine." Ichiro relented and shifted his body further beneath the covers, knowing full well what he would dream about when his eyes were closed.


Yukari stared at the loaded suitcase before lugging it off her bed and wandering through the house to make sure everything was turned off. She was accustomed to silence, but the current absence of noise was eerie due to the likelihood that she wouldn't be returning for a long time.

She reached the front door and stopped just short of grabbing the handle. This was it. She would be leaving for the United States to avoid her father of all people. There was no telling when the man would make another surprise appearance, so Yukari pushed aside her doubts and forced her way outside. The early morning air was damp, like so many other days she'd had the misfortune of living through.

If there was a way to finally be free, she would take it, but Yukari supposed that a new start in another country was the best she could get. After all, she had already done her best to tie up loose ends, including passing over leadership of her gang to the most world-weary and cold-hearted teenage girl she could find. Now, she only needed to catch a bus to the airport and board the plane that she had booked.

A distant engine hum prompted Yukari to raise her head. Cars tended not to pass through her street in the early morning, so she readied herself to fight back in case some unsavory types were coming to cause trouble. The sound of the engine grew louder, allowing her to recognize it as being that of Futoshi's car.

What does he want at this hour?

The vehicle passed into her view and began to slow down. Yukari clenched her fists as Futoshi wound down his window and called out to her.

"Hey, I have a surprise for you! Your father is here!"

"What?!" Yukari dropped her suitcase before seeing none other than Hideo's profile through the rear passenger window. She turned back to face her locked front door, realizing that she would have to adopt a drastic new plan. Shit. You've left me with no choice but to put an end to this.

Yukari reached into her pocket for the key and reentered her house with as much determination as she had left it. Once inside, she ran for the kitchen and set her eyes on the knife rack by the sink. Which one will it be? The butcher's knife or the cleaver?

She decided on the former due it's lighter weight and capability of leaving a cleaner cut. Then, she slipped it behind her back before waiting for the moment when Hideo would foolishly walk in through the front door. Sure enough, he did, and even made sure to announce his presence like an idiot with no regard for personal safety.

"Yukari, stop hiding from me. I just want to talk."

"Is that old man with you?" Yukari asked as she gripped the handle of her knife and tried to relax her body. Irritating as Futoshi was, she didn't want him to become involved in her family business or end up a victim of her desperation.

"No, it's just me. Mr. Kimura is waiting in the car."

Yukari smiled in bitter joy. She would make this as quick as possible, then lock and barricade the front door so that Futoshi wouldn't have to witness the brutal aftermath. With a defiant cry, she sprung forward the second that Hideo's feet crossed the threshold between the hallway and the kitchen.

"Take this, you son of a bitch!" she screamed, removing the knife from behind her back and thrusting the blade straight towards Hideo's chest. His eyes widened in horror as it ripped through the fabric of his suit and sunk into his flesh, just like she anticipated.

An uncomfortable silence blanketed them both before Hideo directed his eyes downwards and gave a hoarse cough. The sound filled Yukari with rage, and she yanked her blade free, causing blood to drip and pool on the tiled floor.

Her heart thumped like a drum as Hideo clutched a hand to his wound in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. This was it. She had finally done the unthinkable against her father and would have to accept the outcome no matter what.

So much for catching that flight, Yukari thought, finding the sight of him doubling over and rapidly losing awareness pathetic. She tossed her bloodied knife into the sink before striding past his collapsed body to lock the front door and block it with the heaviest object she could find.


After checking that her father's pulse had stopped, Yukari began the feat of dragging his heavy body into towards the bathroom and dumping him in the tub. She rubbed her numb hands together while mulling over the best way to dispose of the corpse.

There wasn't enough backyard to bury him in and starting a fire would draw too much attention, so Yukari found herself with the sickening choice of either dismembering her father or dissolving him in acid as depicted in a crime film she had watched years ago.

Perhaps, she hadn't planned this out so well after all. She swallowed and trudged out of the bathroom with the intention of taking her mind off the deed for a while.

It wasn't long before she found herself turning the television back on and adjusting the volume to drown out Futoshi's knocks and demands to be let in. The early morning news greeted her, and though the genial mood of the anchorman was a stark contrast to her paralyzing guilt, Yukari tried to reassure herself that it wasn't the end of the world just because she had seen her father die a second time.

Minutes went by before she began to feel a semblance of calm again. No matter what happened, everything would become irrelevant after enough time, and she would simply continue living like always.

With a strained smile, Yukari allowed herself to become engrossed in the weather girl's pretty face and frilly aquamarine dress. A part of her wanted to wipe off that innocent cheer and replace it with the gaping and drooling expression of pleasure that only a shameless slut would dare show off.

That's right. I'll screw you better than any man...

"This thing called a TV is amazing, isn't it? It has sound, and even color."

Yukari turned her attention to the living room entrance and jumped. "What the fuck?!"

"Don't you dare use that language around me, young lady," Hideo scolded while folding both arms across his bloodied chest. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

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