The ending

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This is it !! I went through a lot so maybe I went to far by working so hard and risking so much for the truth but I only did it to reach what I wanted  ! I know that doesn't give me the right to mess with people life but they were messing with mine all I wanted is the truth

I went to jail after all this for one month for things that I did . All the time I spent there I planned of what I shall do next ?! Well move on with my life to another place ?! I thought no one was waiting for me I was wrong. The soon they let me out I saw my boss waiting for me outside

" hello Anna how are you today ? " he asked smiling

" well great no thanks to you " I said and smirked

" you knew exactly why I never step in to save you from the trouble you put yourself into but i gotta say I was impressed by the work you did. I was wrong about you Anna and thank you for keeping your secret identity no one can know who you worked for " he said

" I know they never asked which really weird. But don't worry from this day on me and your secret will be long gone" I said

" oh your leaving us so soon ?! Thought you would like to stay and work on other people cases " he said

" no can do sir , I was already stressed and live through hell from my mom case I don't want to waste more years of my life living in stress " I said and he sighs

" well Anna I will miss you but if you ever thought of coming back your always welcomed, see you later Anna I hope you always get what you want " he said and left I take a deep breath and know I was free. No more school, drama, fights, cases and no more stress. I'm free again

I opened my eyes one day to see brother and Kyle are ready to move on with me . I go back to Maine and Ethan get to college while I start working in Linda cafe shop .

I thought once that life is all about dark sides and dark endings, and there is no way we can escape them...

But I was wrong there is more in life than betrayals and broken heart and love , that what I always remember , you might ask why no one read that in my dairies maybe because it is not in there maybe it because I tattooed the last page on my body . it was also what mom meant about not forgetting

" There is more in life then holding on to the past I should be careless of what coming next and what happen last, and try to live my life... Don't ever forget "

My life was a mess now I will do everything to fix it, after I got my job in the cafe my life couldn't be wonderful when I had two people there for me Kyle and Linda they took me in as there own. As for Derek he simply went back to his home again this time he will stay and my stepmom and step sister doing their best to move on from my father death and Sarai get arrested to spent her life in jail.

The end

Thank you for reading this book hope you enjoyed it as much I enjoy writing it ☺️

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