Part 3: Chapter 3

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*fifth year Eleazar, the ai keeps making him a Gryffindor :/*

It was time. Marriage time. Me and Sebastian Sallow. Married. My heart is going to explode. There are so many people out there. I don't know that many people. And I have to walk by all of them?

"Ava, it's time." Poppy was almost vibrating with excitement. "Remember I go First, then you go."

"Poppy, I'm going to throw up."

"No, not in the dress. You already did your morning sickness."

"I don't think that's how morning sickness works."

We looked at each other before we both broke down laughing. "Better?" Poppy asked handing me the boquet of sunflowers, lavender and a couple daisies.

"I am, thank you. Can I get one more bump check."

"Merlin's beard, for the last time you are only one month pregnant. No one is seeing anything."

The glass doors opened slowly as Poppy began to walk down the aisle leaving me still slightly stressed.

"Are you read..." Marc voice trailed off as I turned to look at him.

"It's the scar..?" I asked immediately nervous again.

"No, not at all. I just didn't know you could look so pretty." I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder. "Ow, never mind." He held his arm for me to take, "ready to leave La Fey behind you?"


"Can i help?" A voice said behind both of us. It sounded familiar but I couldn't quiet place it.

I turned around and gasped at the two people who Just entered behind us, "your mother is going to kick your ass."

Sebastian's pov

Everyone began to stand giving me the que that it was time. She was going to be mine. I mean.. she already was mine, but now I could say it out loud. I guess I already said it out loud. I need to stop rambling. The bottom line is I'm marrying the love of my life. From the moment I first saw her I knew I would be in the spot with her one day.

I watched Marc sneak out and take his seat. I looked at him confused as another person sat next to him. Newt? As is in Ava's future friend... oh dear.

I looked up and my mind went blank the second I saw Ava begin to walk down the isle. I almost didn't notice a now older Eleazar walking her down the isle with a huge smile on his face. Some people whispered when they saw him but I knew who he was the second I looked at him. But it didn't effect me as much before the most beautiful thing I had ever seen was walking down the isle towards me.

Ava's face was bright red as she walked up and took her place in front of me. Eleazar passed her hand into mine and grinned at me once more before standing to the side near where Ominis was standing.

"Why is he wearing glasses?" I whispered to Ava who only shrugged.

"Ladies and gentleman. We have come together today..."

Yeah I wasn't listening to him. Can you believe Ava? I was doing everything to not just kiss her already. I know I had to wait for the right part. Especially cause Poppy kept yelling at me during the rehearsal yesterday. 

Ava looked so beautiful, she was practically glowing as she stood in the light of the sunset. Absolutely beautiful. So beautiful in fact I didn't realize it was my turn until she looked at me and giggled.

"Sebastian, it's your turn." She whispered.

"Oh. I do!" I May have said a bit too loud based on the slight chuckles in the crowd.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now