Finding her

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Soarin's POV
"Well come on now." I said. I couldn't bear knowing that Dash was in danger.
Time skip......
We got to the wear house. "Come on be careful." I said. We came in to see Dash sitting on a chair trying to ripe the ropes but failed. "I've been expecting you." A man said. "Here your money now give us Dash." Solar said. "Thank you and I've been thinking I want more than just money I want to code for the Weatheropois safe." He said. "What! No." Blitz said. "Fine." Breeze said with a frown. "What!?" We said. "For Dash I'll give it to you." She said. "Smart girl now what is it." He said. "528564394." She stated with a frown. U knew she wouldn't tell the truth. I was smiling on the inside and frowning outside. "Thank you now here's your Dash." He said while stabbing a spear into Dash's waist. U gasped and ran to Dash I scoped her up quickly and carried her out and got into the car we were in and drove to the nearest hospital. The nurse came and said "Your lucky you came here as fast as you could sheWellake up and be alright." I was relived that she was going to be alright. "Good jod bro." Blitz said giving me a fist bump. "Thanks you to." I said. It was getting late and I wanted to stay with Dash until she woke up.
Time skip.......
Dash's POV
I woke up in a hospital and saw Soarin next to me he woke up and I looked at him "You woke up." He said smiling and hugging me . "What happened?" I said. He look at me weird "you don't remember?" He said. I shook my head. I tried to sit up straight but I couldn't be cause my waist really hurt "Careful" Soarin said. My siblings came in and said "Dash!" They ran to me and hugged me tight. "K I'm serious what happened?" I said. "You really don't remember?" Breeze said. "No. All I remember is being in the parking lot waiting for Soarin and felt a cloth witg a weird smell and than everything went black." "Well..." Solar said
Time skip.... (After telling story)
"Wow OK that must have been hard." I said. "Well it was worth it." Blitz said.
Time skip.....
"So you going to school tomorrow?" Soarin said. "Yeah, I feel better and I already have to many days of not going to school I miss the gang." I said. "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school." He said."yeah." He kissed my four head and said "Bye." "Bye." I said. 'Dang it school tomorrow.' I thought to myself

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