Chapter 1 A day introducing each

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Inspired by GabrielWasNeverHere

Don't mind about the plush!! It was a toast plushie I bought with my friends at a mall!! I'll put the plushie on the story hehe!

[It was 2 days before the 1st trail of Triple Cone Cup, the Champions were introducing each other]

"I'm Kouign-Amann cookie!" Said Kouign-Amann, "Ha! I'm Capsaicin cookie!!! How about you? Mischievous dark purple voilet hair cookie?" Ask Capsaicin curiously, "Prune Juice cookie" said Prune Juice looking away "What a good name for a cookie!" Said Kouign-Amann while smiling "Yeah! She's right, Juice cookie!" "Prune Juice.." "Alright Juice!" Prune Juice then sigh "So.. What would you two want to do before the 1st trail??" Ask Capsaicin while smiling "How about.. We go to the Paru Paru Parfait concert?" Kouign-amann was smiling brightly "Sure! Juice, what do think??" "Hm.. That doesn't seem to hurt" "Alright it's all an agreement!!" Said Capsaicin shouting "Haha! Oh and don't worry about the tickets! I already bought three!" Kouign-amann said cheerfully "Oh that's great! Hey Pruny! Why are you so quite??" "Oh.. It's normal for me for not speaking quite a lot.." "Like a nerd and quite kid combine??" ".... I guess so.." "Sweet!!!!" Kouign-Amann then said "Heh? Oh! We should get going to the concert!! It's going to start in a few minutes!!" "Oh right! Let's go Pruny boy!" Capsaicin then hold tight Prune Juice's hand and start following the running Kouign-Amann "T-too tight..!"

[At the concert (18:35) ft: Time keeper]

The champions were already sat on their sits, three of them sat down next to each other, "This is going to be fun to watch!" Said Capsaicin cheerfully "I know!! I love hearing Parfait cookie's songs from my phone and now this is the 10th time for me to watch her concert live!!" Shouted Kouign-Amann excitedly "I wonder if there's any explosions.." Ask Prune Juice in his mind

[In the middle of the concert (19:20)]

the concert went well.. But Prune Juice was half asleep, he then lay his head on Capsaicin cookie's shoulder "..! Huh..? P-Prune?? Are you alright?!" Asked Capsaicin worried "Mhmp.." Prune Juice then closes his eyes then sleep on his shoulders, Capsaicin suddenly truns red(blushing of course), Kouign-Amann obviously saw it, "Are you two secretly boyfriend??" She knew they were a couple but not "No.. He's not my boyfriend at all.. He's just a friend!" 𝘖𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦.. Capsaicin said in his mind

It was the end of the concert, Prune was awake and Capsaicin still thinking about what just happened that time, the trio then got out from the concert place "Looks like it's late.." Said Prune prune quietly "Mhm, you're right quite nerd kid Juice!" Respond Kouign-Amann "Prune Juice.." Prune mumble "Haha! Yeah yeah! Of course Juice boy! And ah, we should get back to our schools" Said Capsaicin "You're right.. Capsacain cookie" Said Prune "Capsaicin!"
Kouign-Amann then giggles "You boys won't stop arguing hm?" The both of them stare at each other, Prune did a deadly stare at Capsaicin, it made Cap nervous "W-whats with t-the stare..?" ".. Alright! I better get going, bye Cap and Kouign" Prune then waved as he walk away, the others also walk away to their schools

𝙋𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙚 𝙅𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I got back to Parfaedia school all tired, I saw students talking and gossiping about stuff, I don't want to interrupt them, so I go upstairs to my room, gosh it was tiring.. I then just flopped to my bed while groaning "Ugh.. Today was tiring.. Even I have to walk up 10 lobbies.." I felt tired and check what time is it now ".. 11pm?!" I shouted quietly, I don't want to disturb or wake up the others who's already sleeping by now.. I got up from laying on my bed and walk up to my coffee machine, I then take a sip of my coffee it was bitter.. As what I wanted it to be, I then walk to my cauldron to brew some potions, I then take some ingredients from my drawers.. Even some other potions to be mixed, I pour the potions slowly.. "Pour some of this..and this..and some flowers.. I only to mix the potions with my sp- wait..where did it go..? I swear I put it on my work desk.." Where the hell did it go though?! I checked every where on my desk, my file and book piles, the drawers, and under it.. "... They were right.. I easily lose stuff because of my messy room.. Now.. I have to get a new spoon.. As I remember it was here.." I open my bottom drawers that was near my bed, I took one spoon and start stirring the mix potions with it, when I'm done, it wasn't the color I was expecting.. I go to my drawer that is full food coloring, I looked at some coloring.. Then I saw one that was unlabele,, heh, I'll test it out on the potion, I walk back to my cauldron and pour the liquid, I then stir it.. Wondering what's the color and the same time.. "Hm.." I then stop stirring and took my headphones, I love hearing music.. It's so comfortable.. As always, I then put on my headphones and.. Blast out my music, I love this song! I'm still scared students might hear it but.. Who cares? I mean I do.. But still! I walk up to my cauldron again and stir it more, it was a perfect potion! No fails or anything! I took a glass potion bottle and pour some in while humming.. I put on the cover of the bottle, I put down the potion on my desk, suddenly my favorite music got on, Bozo Love!!!!! I freaking love it so much!!!! Hehe.. Normal inside me.. I was closing my eyes while hearing it, when I open my eyes I saw smoke coming from my cauldron?! "Shoot!! What happen?!?!" I shouted as quite as I can, I quickly open my window and lead the smoke out from here from the window "Go there buddy.. I don't need you for now.." When all the smoke got put, I was so exhausted.. I need sleep.. I groan while I flop on my bed, I take my toast plushie((its like the past picture)) then hug it and fell asleep..

".. Is he alright? " said a student outside Prune's room "I don't think so.." Said another student "we should ask him tomorrow.." "Mhm"

𝙆𝙤𝙪𝙞𝙜𝙣-𝘼𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I got back from the concert! I was happy that I got an autograph from Parfait cookie! I walk to my room while greeting the other paladins who was in the hallways, I unlock my room then lock it when I was inside, I saw my clock "Hm, 9pm! Perfect enough for me to sleep!" I walk to my closet and pick an outfit to wear to sleep, like who sleeps with their armor on? Haha! I then change in my room ((Indonesian core/j plz I'm Indonesian myself)), I then braid my hair after I change, I take my face mask and lay on my bed, then I put it on, I clapped my hands making the lights turn off then fell asleep

𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙨𝙖𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I go Scovillia to my school, I got back to the school, greeting my friends while walking to my room! I unlock it and just leave it open since I'm uhh.. Actually scared of my room because of the paper eyes my friend made, it's.. Terrifying not gonna lie, I tie my hair into a ponytail, I then sat on my bed.. Why am I still thinking about Prune? "I'm not in love.. Right..? I can't fall in love just from today.. Is it love at first sight? It can't be.. I mean he suppose to be my rival.. Friendly rival.." I said while blushing, I just lay on my bed, I can't stop thinking about him.. I just close my eyes and force myself to fell asleep, and I actually did

I'll make chapter 2 soon!! I'm still writing it on my writing book! And thank you so much for reading!

Story: 1353 words

Sorry for making Prune's POV longer!

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