safety brief

34 1 0

Charles: Ok team gather round

Charles: Erik and I have discussed it and we have decided that you can go out for the day

Raven: yay

Alex: yessss

Erik: you can thank me by the way

Charles: ...

Erik: sorry, continue Charles

Charles: Anyway there are some ground rules

Erik: weekend safety brief

Charles: yes, thank you Erik

Charles: as I was saying, don't add to the population

Charles: don't subtract from the population

Charles: Peter don't steal anything

Peter: I don't know what you're talking about, I'd never steal

Charles: Stay out of the hospital, the news and jail

Charles: If - and please don't - you end up in prison -

Erik: Establish dominance quickly!

Charles: *looks at Erik*

Erik: *grins at Charles*

Hank: stop eye fucking

Charles: *done with this*

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