character profiles

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Here are the character profiles of the main cast, will add more/update in the future chapters when more characters appear 😇

Kim Haewon (Mother: Kim Hana)
Haewon was friends with Ayeon for as long as she could remember. She was of middle class, living life just as a normal person would. She became close friends with Seohoon after meeting him coincidentally while he was working a part-time job at a convenience store when they were in high school.

[ basic info ]
- ISFP, bi. Friendly and kind but still able to be serious at times.
- Has a 'idgaf' mindset, likes singing pop/kpop songs, practicing her language skills, playing games.
- a student of Johwa (= Harmony) University, excels in language (Korean, English, Japanese).
- brown, long wavy hair + brown eyes
- 165cm tall, female
- Bday: 20th December 2005 (17 y/o)

Choi Seohoon (Mother: Choi Eun-Jeong)
As a child, Seohoon had always lived with his mother after his biological father left his family with a huge gambling debt. He sacrificed his high school friendships and memories by working part-time until the present moment to help his mother pay off the debt that was thrown to his family. He began to relax in university with a scholarship, debt now almost fully paid off, hoping for a new start.

[ basic info ]
- ESFJ, pan. Very socialable and leader-like.
- Likes listening to jpop/rock music, searching for outfit inspo, playing games, and Haewon.
- a student of Johwa University, excels in (plant) biology. Really academically intelligent.
- Has black fluffy hair and black eyes. Great fashion sense.
- 179ish cm tall, male
- Bday: 2nd December 2004 (18 y/o)

Lee Ayeon (Mother: Lee Amelia)
A korean-american who mainly lived in Korea all her life, visiting USA every school break to visit her family members there. Parents work overseas and visit her in Korea once in a while, so she's not completely alone. Lives independently with her nanny/servants. Haewon was her first ever friend from her mother being great friends with Kim Hana (Haewon's mother).

[ basic info ]
- ESFP, bi. Outgoing and nice, very confident and dependable.
- Likes ice cream, listening to kpop/pop music, playing games, and Haewon.
- Has brownish blonde + medium length straight hair, brown eyes
- 167cm tall (a bit taller than Haewon), female
- a student of Johwa University, excels in social studies and language (English, Korean)
- Bday: 17th September 2005 (17 y/o)

Kang Gyutae (Guardian/Brother: Kang Minseok)
A very comforting, supportive and almost therapist-like person who has been friends with Seohoon since his middle school years. They lose contact sometimes, but their friendship never breaks. Gyutae lives with his brother, who he considers as his most cherished family member because he's an orphan.

[ basic info ]
- INFP, bi (leaning to men). Tends to be the 'neutral party' in any conflicts.
- Loves visiting cafes to study, does writing as a hobby, can play electric guitar, has a one-sided crush on Seohoon.
- Has dark brown and long straight hair, usually tied up + black eyes. Has a bit of a tan.
- 180cm ish tall, male
- a student of Johwa University.
- Bday: 17th May 2005 (18 y/o)

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