Chapter Uno (One)

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"SIERRA BRIANNE GET OVER HERE!!" Harris screams at me and I start giggling uncontrollably. We were outside and it was pretty hot so we went and got some water.. Well I threw it on Harris, now he's squealing about it. What a girl! "SIERRA I SWEAR!!" Harris starts running towards me with his soaked shirt and says, " Aw never mind, Sierra, you're looking pretty over heated, I can help that. Come mere I'll give ya hug to cool ya down" "NO Don't you dare Harris Bradley!" " no no I want to come here Sierra!!" With that, I took off! BAI FELICIA!! "Sierra!! Come on! Give your best friend a hug!" " No absolutely not, Emily isn't here so?" " ah you bitch" Harris said. I feigned to be hurt and looked down letting my hair cascade around my face. I let out a couple of sniffles. " Oh geez, Sierra? I didn't mean it! You aren't a bitch. If anything I am because I made you cry, I'm sorry." He starts to walk closer and as soon as he got close enough I grabbed the cup of water from the table behind me and dumped it on him again, I said," I thought you needed to quench the thirst." With that, I ran into my house, of course with my parents telling me to quit running and go change into something other than my shorts and bikini top.

I have no idea where Harris is, I just left him outside. I change into a crop top that says " Hakuna Matata" and some jean shorts. As I'm walking out of the door, I hear my parents mention us moving again.. I didn't respond at all, just continued walking out the door and instead of stopping by Harris, I just kept walking.

" Sierra, what's the matter?" Harris says while jogging after me to catch up. I just keep my mouth shut and continue walking. Here's the thing. I've moved so many times in my life, I didn't mention it because I wanted you to think I'm good enough. Truth is, I am all of those things I mentioned before but that's just a façade. I'm so broken inside yet no one knows. "Si, come on tell me" he continues to beg me. It isn't until now that I realize I'm crying, I slip on some cheap,plastic sunglasses and turn to face him. " what's wrong?" That's when I see him. Behind Harris, there's this guy. He is beautiful, stunning. I caught him glancing over at us and he kept his gaze on me. I had sunglasses on so obviously he couldn't tell I was crying, nor could Harris realize I wasn't listening to him. The boy smiled, waved, and went inside to what may be his house. I look back at Harris and I see him with furrowed brows and a frown. "Sierra did you even hear anything I just said?"
"Of course I did"
"Oh really? Okay what did I just say?"
"Umm, how much of a great best friend you are?"
"Flattering, but no" he responded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of the nearest shady tree. (Not in some person's yard ya silly geese)
We sat down and he started to play with my hair and eventually French braided it. Did I mention I have the BEST best friend ever?! (Yes I did mean for that to be repeated twice) "Sierra, I need to tell you something.." By this time I'm facing him with my legs crossed between is wide open legs.
"Okay, what is it?"
"Promise you won't tell anyone?"
"Of course Harris!"
"There's no easy way to say this.."
With that he grabbed my hands and said, "I hate it when you don't tell me what's bothering you because I can't help if I don't know and I like to know. So tell me right now."
That was so hard to say?
"It's nothing Harris, I promise" Biggest lie I've told all day.
"I know it isn't.. If you want we can go to my house? My parents aren't home."
"Sounds good. Let me call my parents to make sure it's okay with them?"
"Okay! You act like we haven't been best friends for 2 years woman!"
I grab my phone and call my mom and she's crying on the other line.
" Mum what's wrong?!"
"Honey, it's - it-"
".Mum!! What is going on?"
"Sierra, it's - it's your brother Randy.. He's in the hospital."
As soon as 'Randy' and 'hospital' left her mouth and I started to fall back and everything was black

It was peaceful, I heard Harris freaking out. I was picked up and carried somewhere, but quite frankly, I don't care. I was in the in-between state of being passed out and awake. I can hear everything but I can't move nor speak. So kind of like a coma-like state.

/////////////// Quick note ///////////////////////:)
1.PLEASE share this around and read, comment, and vote! I'll do it back!
2. I'm not posting another chapter until I reach at least 10 reads on this chapter!
3. What should I name this story?
4. Sharris?
Lastly, what do you think of the main character? Like or dislike?

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