Part 2

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I wake up to lying on a bed. Soft, pearl white, and warm. Okay? Last I remember was a bright dizzying light. And not much after that. I slowly get up and see I'm in a small room made out of wood and... bamboo? It's almost something similar to a tree house type. I walk to the window and I look out seeing nothing but trees. Out of instinct I look down. That's because it is one. It has to be at least 20 stories high.
I hear a faint knocking on the door. And it opens with Maggie peaking in. "You awake sleepy head?" She teases me.
I chuckle. " Yeah I'm awake."
"Ok good. Because I can not deal with how things are around here." She steps in and I see her in a uniform. Tightly hugging her form and stature. It looks good on her.
"So. You ready to go out finally or stay in this weird room?" She asks me.
I grin. "Im ready to go out. But question.. how are we doing that?"
"Well there is something called ladders, last I knew. So we are going to use those. Unless you can randomly sprout wings and fly." She responds sarcastic.
I laugh. "I dont think that is going to happen anytime soon."
"Ok good." And she motions me to follow her outside. I follow but slowly. Im not afraid of heights but this.. this is just insane.
When I look out among the trees I see other houses built into them like this one. Some people are walking along the ladders and bridges made, while some are daring enough to swing along vines or rope on the trees. That is one thing I will not soon be doing.
"Sam, you comin?" Maggie yells.
I nod my head and ketch up to her. I follow her into another house tree thing but this one is
packed with people.
I get chills down my spine and I become tense. Who are these people?
"You shouldnt have to tense up around us alpha. We're on the same side." said a man with a gruff gentle voice. He looks like an army general or officer, but more of the age of my grandfather.. with hair.
"Really? Cause I dont know you."
"Yes. My name is Colonel Jeer."
I cant help but laugh. "Colonel? Of what? From the looks and sounds of it, you dont have very many people to be a Colonel of."
He takes my comment into consideration and then just glares. But I give him one back. "We are the Shadow Keepers. We became free of this game that was created here on this island. We live in the trees, in the deep of the water and below the mountains. In the shadows." He turns away from me and looks out the window. "We are here for many of the same reasons. But for a different purpose. Me to protect these people. You," he turns back and looks at me "for another."
I smirk. "Oh really? And what would that be? To play this game that you think it is."
I hear Maggie shift uneasily.
I think we both know the answer. Its just not the one we want to hear.
"We both have different reasons to live completely. I'll agree with you on that part.''I walk to him and we are merely inches apart. Im so close I could see the drips of sweat slowly dripping off his face. "But Im done playing games." I say with a growl.
We all stand there in a moment of silence waiting for someone to make a move or command. But I walk out.
Some people just have nerve. Im not some playing card. Im a Guardian.
Im walking out on the bridge when I hear maggie catch up to me.
"Mags just give me a minute."
"Ha, Sam I know you. Im not leaving you alone with these people. You'll probably try and kill them without any of us knowing."
I reach the end of the ladder which just ends to a random tree.
Well, this lead to nowhere in particular.
I sit down feeling defeated.
I hear her sigh and she comes to sit next to me. Our feet hanging off the edge.
I shake my head. "What are we doing up here. We're warriors. We should be out in a fight or a hunt, or just.. something." I wave my hand out to the open forest of trees and skies. "Not just sitting here, waiting for a move to be made for us."
"Yah know. I was thinking the same God damn thing when I woke up." we hear someone say.
And when I turn my head I see Sunny leaning against the side of the rope.
"Good to see your face." I say sarcastic.
"I hope it is. I mean, this is me were talking about." she responds. She walks over and sits next to me on my left side with Maggie being on my right and bumps my shoulder playfully.
"So whats the plan."
I look at her and pack out to the trees. I take a long deep breath. "I have no idea."

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