Part 3: Chapter 4

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*new and improved Ava above*

The letter had become twisted, mangled and even ripped a little bit from me twisting and messing with it in my hands as I waited for my name to be called.

Sebastian had to work that day but was using his break to sit with me. His hand was firmly on my thigh. At first I thought it was sweet but I think it's to stop my knee from bouncing.

"Will that like... shake the baby?" He asked.

I genuinely thought about it for a moment, "I doubt it..."

"Ava Sallow." The woman behind the counter called making us both stand up quickly.


"You may go in." She waved her hand and the doors to her right opened up slowly.

I tureen towards Sebastian who gave me a peck on both cheeks and then let me go to walk in. "Come find me after I'll be doing some paperwork." He called as the door shut leaving me alone in a black stone room.

As my eyes adjusted I saw a table in the center with four chairs around it. I had been in one of these rooms before with Newt when he got yelled at by the ministry.

"Mrs. Sallow, I believe a congratulations are in order for two reasons." The minister of magic himself said as he walked around from behind a pillar.

"Minister Spavin? I didn't expect you to be at this." I admitted as he pulled out a chair for me to sit. "Also thank you."

As I sat a door from the opposite side of where I entered opened and my mother stood there in stripped clothing with chains on both wrists, her ankles and one around her neck.

I stood up quickly going for my wand but Spavin held a hand up to calm me, "don't worry, she just must be present for the reading as well. You are safe. If you weren't I'm sure you and your husband would have something to say about it."

I sat back down as the guard sat my mother across from me. She looked at my hair and studied my face. "Trying to look like your sister?" She asked sarcastically in French.

"Wouldn't you love that." I responded.

"Andre gave you too much credit... if only he knew you'd end up murdering him." She slammed her fists on the table making the guards tense up.

"It must have been a shock to him when his own twin killed him then." I yelled back at her.

"No!" She screamed pulling at her hair, "Giselle was a good girl she wouldn't have done that!"

"Giselle was a bully just like you and Laurent."

"Don't call your father by his first name!" She snapped in French.

"He wasn't my father." I yelled back in French. I tried not to look too happy at how correctly I said it. "I know it was his brother." I added in not the best French. "I don't even know his name." Softly in my mind I can hear Sebastian do the whistle I taught him. It didn't seem urgent so perhaps he was just checking in. No one else seemed to hear it so it was definitely just in my head.

"Émile." She whispered finally calming down and looking down at the hands on the table. "He was a lot kinder then Laurent..."

Spavin finally cleared his throat, "let us begin. Originally everything was left to Marc La Fey, but when told he declined everything and requested we leave it to Ava Sallow and her family," he looked at his list, "both estates in America and France, and all his wealth and earnings that are locked away at Gringotts  in Vault 687."

My mother started to get angry again as she realizes she was left with nothing. That Laurent had never intended to give her anything.

"And for Mrs. Elise La Fey, he says you get to keep the family name as it will keep you comfortable enough for the rest of your days." Spavin finished and folded the letter. I actually felt a bit bad for my mother. I mean, i still hated her but I felt bad about it. "That will conclude everything,"

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