Refrigerator Light (gxa)

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(First Person POV)

In the early hours of the morning, I found myself wide awake and unable to drift back to sleep. The silence of the night was only interrupted by the sound of my partner, Raelynn, stirring beside me. It was clear that she too was struggling to sleep. 

Her eyes gradually opened as she adjusted her posture and shook off lingering drowsiness. Despite her obvious fatigue, I sensed that sleep would not come to her anytime soon.

She softly greeted me and cuddled close, wrapping her arm around me and laying her head on my shoulder.

"Morning," I replied, gently pressing a kiss to her forehead. We lay there for a moment before she beings to shuffle again. 

"I'm having trouble falling asleep. I've been tossing and turning for hours, and my mind just won't shut up," she whispered.

"I can see that." 

She huffed. 

"Maybe we should do something to tire ourselves out," I offered. 

"I know it's super early in the morning, but how about we bake some cookies? I think we've got all of the ingredients in the pantry." 

I took a deep breath, smiled, and nodded in agreement. "It's better than lying awake and staring at the ceiling all night. Besides, I'll get to spend some quality time with my girl."

I groggily got out of bed and stumbled towards the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes, and found Raelynn shuffling behind me. When we finally entered the kitchen, I was slightly surprised to see that it was already two in the morning. 

While Raelynn was searching for some music to play while we bake, I decided to grab all the stuff we needed. Bowls, chocolate, flour, spoons... 

As I placed some items on the counter, the background music hummed softly. Suddenly, a certain song caught my attention, diverting my gaze toward Raelynn. She was searching for butter inside the refrigerator, scanning through the shelves.

I approached her quietly from behind and gently embraced her waist. "It's our song."

As I held her close, she turned to face me, leaving the fridge door wide open. She wrapped her arms around my neck and flashed a gentle smile. In the dim light of the fridge, she asked me with a soft voice, "Would you like to dance?"

With a smile on my face, I started to sway her gently back and forth in a soothing and calming motion. 

As she rested her head on my shoulder, I whispered tenderly, "I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N. So much." 

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