Two. ( Lost In The Ire. )

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chapter two. lost in the ire.

EACH STEP TOWARDS HER TARGET felt like a weight slamming against the brittle, concrete steps leading up to the roof of one of the tallest buildings in Coruscant. The rattle in her chest from the shallow breaths she breathed were beginning to get annoying, at least Izala believed so. Now, the sniper strapped around her drooping shoulders suddenly felt overwhelmingly heavy on her back, yet it was very light.

She knew she shouldn't care so much about who it was, the reward was handsome and it had been many moons since their last encounter. Izala wished it hadn't been, but the past remains the past. She hoped maybe one day she'd get a reason why she left, but it's too late now.

When she finally reached the roof, a gust of crisp wind smacked her across the face, but after the initial blast, the air came in cool waves. The sun had just set minutes ago, so according to Izala's note-taking skills, Padmé should be coming out to enjoy tea on her balcony in a few minutes.

As those minutes past the silence only grew louder, the air grew thicker, and Izala suddenly felt like she was drowning. In air? In worry? In anger? She didn't know. But as Padmé walked through the large glass doors, all emotions were flushed through her system and replaced with a smile.

Even in the moment when Izala knew she was about to gun her down, take her life, slaughter her like an animal, she couldn't help but admire her beauty. It hurt so much.

Slowly, Izala peeled the sniper away from the skin of her back, resting it between her unsteady fingers. For some reason, she glanced around the empty rooftop, in hope for someone to appear and tell her to stop before it was too late.

She raised the gun to her eye. Through the glass scope, she could see her features much more clearly. Her brown waves tied back into a braid which rested upon her right shoulder and a light pink nightgown draped to her feet. Even at a distance, Izala could still see her sparkling smile as she talked with her new protector.

The sight made Izala's stomach churn uncomfortably. She raised the gun a little higher, shifting it in her hands as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. Why was she so nervous?

To cope with the nerves, Izala began listing off all the ways Padmé had wronged her during their childhood. From the littlest mistakes all the way up to abandonment, she kept listing. And suddenly she was lost in the ire.

Padmé was sitting still, this was the perfect moment. One shot was all that was needed. The gun was aimed at her head. Izala was ready to pull the trigger.

But when she told herself to pull the trigger, she didn't. She glanced at the watch strapped to her wrist, Padmé would be going inside any second now. And just as she stood up to retreat to bed, the gunshot sounded. Izala was too late.

Both Padmé and her protector immediately snapped their heads towards the line of fire, directly at Izala who pulled her hood down over her eyes and darted towards the exit. She heard overlapped shouting, most likely Padmé's protector because it was a male voice making commands. As Izala emerged at the foot of the staircase a line of four men stood armed with blasters.

Izala knew she should just give in, get killed, or be taken to prison, she deserved it. But Padmé always said to never give up, so she didn't.

Izala hopped over the railing and descended into a dark alley that led to a road filled with passerby. Perfect distraction. She heard footsteps pounding behind her but the adrenaline rush was far too much. She charged into the crowd of people, instantly losing the men hot on her tail.

She rushed through the crowd towards what seemed like an empty road beside a pub. She leaned against the dirty, brick wall heaving for air, each breath a sharp sting in her lungs.

"There he is." A voice boomed from opposite the road, setting Izala into panic mode once more. The first thing she thought of was climbing up the terrace of an apartment building, so she did.

The metal bars of the railing were cool against her flesh, she heard shouting from down below, but that was soon forgotten as she heard rattling from one story below. A man charged up the steps at her, causing her to speed up her climbing process, but it was too late.

Before she knew it she looked to the eyes of her replacement, before a hand reached out and shoved at her chest. Falling through the air was a truly unique experience. A mess of emotions flashed through her eyes but all she could focus on was she was meeting death's end tonight. But she couldn't help but feel like she deserved it.

IZALA WOKE UP TO FLORESCENT LIGHTS, a blinding factor that caused a blinking fit to erupt. Her hand made her way to her head which was pounding like it never had before. She looked around the room, soon noticing she was in a doctor's office.

She tried to recall what event had led up to her being here, but all she remembered was attempting to kill Padmé and falling to her death. Was she dead?

"Ah, Miss Iellan, you're finally awake." A man adorned with a white lab coat entered the room, a clipboard resting upon his forearm as he scribbled down on it.

"Why am I here? What happened?" She asked, voice hoarse from exhaustion.

"Well, I'm not aware of the details but I was told to alert the crew when you wake up. As long as you did. We weren't sure you were gonna make it." Hearing those words made Izala's heart drop. "You have two broken ribs, a concussion, and a fractured wrist. You should be fine, the Bacta treatment cured all of your other injuries."

Izala looked down at her wrist and she suddenly gasped, noticing the black cast restricting her right wrist into place.

"Please remain seated, I'll return in a moment."

Izala considered escaping, she hadn't a clue where she was currently. She glanced around the room, but she felt too feeble to leave through a window, which was the only other way out besides the door he just left from. Also, when he said he'd be back in a moment, he literally meant a moment.

"Izala Iellan, you're under arrest for premeditated and attempted murder of the Senator, Padmé Amidala."

Izala flinched as she was dragged off of the uncomfortable hospital bed, the man grabbed her wrists, including the injured one, and dragged her out of the room. She was tripping over her own feet as she was shoved down a long, narrow hall and down three flights of stairs into a room lined with occupied prison cells.

The door of her cell was unlocked and the man holding her tossed her into the cell. She roughly hit the ground and winced as her head banged against the wall. The room began spinning and her head was pounding against her temples once more. Yet through the pain, all she could think about was the fact that she deserved it.

Incessant chatter sounded from outside of the room, but one distinct voice made Izala's ears perk up.

"I would like to speak to her." Izala picked out of the coincided voices.

The door opened and feet clicked against the concrete floor, but all Izala saw was a blob of baby pink. As the spinning of the room eased, Izala used the wall for support to rise to her feet and she wobbled a moment.

She looked up from the floor and her heart stopped as she made eye contact with the women in front of the bars.


AUTHOR'S NOTE ## finally finished writing this hoe ass chapter

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