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Finn is a shapeshifter. He has a tall stature with a face covered in darkness, only revealing his glowing red eyes and glasses, as well as his dark puffy hair. He wears a dark suit with a shiny red tie and yellow belt buckle. He lastly has his orange cone as a hat. He loves eating sandwiches with his favorites being a baloney sandwich and BLT. They also have a red glow in their eye. Finn has a wife named Angela. Finn works for a company called Assassin.Co and is the companies best assassin. Finn has been working for Assassin.Co since he was 14 years old. Finn met Angela when he was 17 years old. A few months after he met Angela, Finn during a party the company was having would kiss Angela and tell her he loved her, Finn and Angela would marry four years later. Finn before he told Angela he loved her would try his best to hide and ignore his feelings for her as he originally thought that emotions were a weakness. Angela says her and Finn first meeting was like love at first sight for her. Finn has an adoptive son called Gary. Jr whose dad he and Angela accused of being the assassin and since then they have manipulated him turning him into a blood thirsty killer though they do have some genuine love and care for him. Finn's love for Angela is completely genuine. Finn and Angela have gone to fourth base in their relationship. Finn and Angela have a biological daughter called Pearl. Finn wears his wedding ring on his left ring finger. Finn takes sleeping medication to help him sleep as he has trouble falling asleep. Finn likes cuddling with Angela. Finn is 32 years old. Finn and Angela first had sex with each other a few months after they got married, 9 months later their daughter Pearl was born. In his parasite form. His clothes gain a glowing pink armor, and he loses his cone. He has a pink crystalline crown-like band on his head. His hair grows much longer, he wears a big purple cape, and holds a giant parasitic scythe. Finn and Angela's wedding happened a year after Finn proposed and asked Angela to marry him. Finn and Angela invited some of Assassin.Co's executives to their wedding. Finn and Angela have been married for 10 years. According to Angela Finn is also well-known for having an undying hatred for eggs, due to them being nigh-invulnerable (at least to Finn they are). Finn is approximately 6 feet 4 inches tall. Finn can regrow his fingers in less then a minute. According to Finn his wife Angela is the company's second best assassin only behind him. Finn lacks formal education. Finn enjoys flirting with Angela. According to Finn Gary. Jr was 8 years old when he and Angela adopted him and he is currently 14 years old. Finn and Angela had been married for four years when they adopted Gary. Jr. Finn has no memories of the life he had before he joined Assassin.Co. Finn's birthday is January 16th. Finn and Angela invited their co workers to their wedding. Finn and Angela's daughter Pearl looks up to Gray. Jr as a role model and Gray. Jr genuinely cares for his sister. According to Finn Gray. Jr is British. Finn's wife Angela is 5'6. Finn and Angela's daughter Pearl is currently 10 years old and was 4 years old when they adopted Gary. Jr. Finn and Angela are the most well known couple in Assassin.Co. Angela owns a light red playboy bunny suit along with a pair of fishnet stockings that she wears whenever she and Finn have sex or when she wants to surprise him when he gets home. Gary. Jr is bisexual. His abilities are:

Master Assassin.
Immense Strength.
Insane Intellect.
Skillful Planning.
Master Manipulator.
Knife Skills.
Limitless Stamina.
Immense Endurance.
Transformation Into Parasite Form.

Hobby: Killing. Stalking. Spending time with Angela.
Family: Angela Carter (wife), Pearl (biological daughter), Gary. Jr (adoptive son).
This is his wife Angela.

Finn and Angela

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Finn and Angela.

Finn and Angela

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