5. called back?

224 6 2

Tw: cursing

3rd person pov

Douma was adjusting to his new room in the infinity castle when his surroundings changed. At first, he thought it was the biwa demon from before, but then he realized that he hadn't heard the biwa clang at all.
He looked around and realized that he was in the mission meeting room.
A mission assistant came in and said that they'd been called back in suddenly to discuss a serious topic.
They all settled down in chairs, the five best friends sitting next to each other.
Then, a video started playing on the whiteboard.
It was about the one thing that douma hated the most; the demon like creatures in his universe.
All of these creatures had some kind of power, and their evil queen was very powerful.
Douma loathed the pathetic creatures. They deserved to die under any circumstances, so they may be reborn to fix their sins.
According to the video, the creatures were getting stronger, and trying to tamper with missions.
So their causing trouble in our dimensions now? Well, that means they'll just be coming to me. I'll get my vengeance soon enough. Douma thought.


Hi, I'm sorry this was so short, 220 words in total. It's super late tho, so that's why it's short after. Tysm

Bye bye

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