play me like an instrument

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A/n: so this has been in my drafts for like 6 months bc I forgot I wrote it anyways

to keep thyself sane:


you shiver as the cold night air envelops you. your phone chimes with a message, and you're surprised to see it's your boss. you don't actually know why, but Larissa does not like you. and it's not a secret, like at all. everybody at the school knows it.

you frown, clicking on the notification.

"Stop playing."

you roll your eyes and put your phone down next to you, starting to play the cello that's wedged between your legs again.

it really wasn't a big deal, she's told you to stop playing it multiple times and at first you figured it was because of the noise level, but after asking students and teachers you figured out that none of them actually minded it.

infact, you can recall countless times students and teachers have told you it helps them sleep and sometimes they even sit out on their balcony as you give a sort of concert for them.

your phone chimes again and you figure it's Larissa, but when you click the notification, you find it's not.

"Why'd you stop?" Asks Enid, and then Wednesday, and then Bianca, and then Marilyn, and then Ajax, and then yoko, until practically the entire school has messaged you asking why you've stopped playing.

you don't answer any of them and instead continue playing. if this is what gets students to sleep enough for tomorrow, then so be it.

halfway through your serenade, your phone chimes for the third time and you groan and unlock it.

"Miss Y/l/n, stop playing it."
"I'm begging you."

you frown in confusion. since when has Larissa Weems ever begged anyone for anything? it seemed out of place for her to say anything like that. normally it would be more like, "I'm demanding you."

you stare at the message for a while, wondering what she means. you ignore her again, and continue playing.

you half expect her to text again but she doesn't, so for the next 10 minutes you're playing uninterrupted.

once you finish and put everything away, about to settle down for bed your phone lights up your pitch black room.

"My office. Now."

You throw the covers off of yourself, walking barefoot down the hallway in nothing but your underwear and a very large tshirt.

you knock lazily on the door, yawning to yourself. "in. now." you hear her voice say, and you roll your eyes. you push the door open and step inside of her office, the heat from the burning fire place immediately hitting you.

the warm air makes you yawn again. you don't even acknowledge her as you sit down infront of her desk and rest your head on your hand, your arm on the armrest.

"yes?" you say sleepily. there's silence, and you quite literally begin to fall asleep. "I would appreciate it if you didn't fall asleep while I'm talking to you." she says, and you can tell just by her tone that she's smiling irritably.

you nod, not actually listening as you fall in and out of consciousness. Larissa watches you, thinking too many thoughts at once.

"would you like to know why i cannot stand you playing that instrument?" she asks, peaking your interest. you sit up right, crossing your legs and leaning back in your chair.

through all of your curiosity you forgot the lack of pants under your shirt. you had figured it would be a quick meeting, but oh how incredibly wrong you had been.

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