Chapter 1: Manifest

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Peridot: Hmmph. Stupid broken warp. First the communication hub, now this is busted again. These Crystal Gems are a menace.

  Peridot was set on repairing the homeworld warp pad that the Crystal Gems had broken nottoo long ago. Though in the midst of her repairs the gems appeared through their own warp pad, right in the middle of her repairs.

Pearl: Haha! Look! I was right! My plan worked perfectly!

Steven: Good morning!

  Perdiot was surprised that the gems were able to find her, especially as quickly and accurately as they did.

Peridot: W-What? H-How did you know I was here?

Steven: We have a secret way of tracking you and we're never telling you how, even if you ask nicely.

  Steven sticks his tongue out in a mocking way.

Garnet: Peridot! We're here to-

Peral: And you'll never get away with this!

Peridot: Don't you gems have anything better to do than annoy me?

Amethyst: Nope! We're gonna-

Pearl: Prepare to be annoyed!

  This was already frustrating enough, Peridot didn't have time to deal with these gems right now.

Peridot: Grrrr! I don't have time for this! This planet has an expiration date and I'm not sticking around to find out when!

  Peridot transforms her hand firing off a projectile, making a stone column fall onto the gems. Though Steven intervenes by putting up a shield to defend himself along with the gems.

  Pearl turns with a frustrated face as Peridot just nervously chuckles at the miss.

Pearl: That's it. I'm taking her out!

Garnet: Pearl wait!

  Pearl rushes at Peridot with her spear ready, though Peridot quickly traps Pearl in a bubble, throwing her back to the other gems, sending her flying into Steven. Forcing the shield down and Garnet needing to hold up the stone

Garnet: GET HER!

  Amethyst rushes in, charging at Peridot as she jumps out of the way.

Peridot: Haha! You missed.

  Peridot lands on a warp pad trying to get away, but to no avail.

Peridot: Gruh! Doesn't anything work on this crappy planet?! 

Steven: I do!

  Steven tosses his shield at Peridot, hitting her in the face making her hold her nose in pain. While she was distracted by that, Garnet tosses the broken column to Amethyst as she catches it with her whip and slams it down on Peridot. Though it didn't crush her, it was enough to send her flying into the air. Pearl, in an attempt to make up for her mistakes today tries to catch the falling Peridot. But slams into Garnet nocking her to the ground.

Garnet: Gah! Pearl get off me!

Pearl: Oh! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

  Peridot takes the blunder as she lands on a functional warp pad.

Peridot: Wow, that was just sad. I almost feel sorry for you. 

  With that she warps away, leaving the Crystal Gems behind.


  A bit later, Peridot uses the warp pad to arrive at the ruins of a planetary gem vessel. Turning her hand into a computer screen, she scans the surrounding area.

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