13 - Dark Desire

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Kid's desire started to grow stronger and he wanted more but he knew he couldn't go further not yet. As the intensity of their kiss reached its peak, Kid suddenly pulled away, surprising both himself and Y/N.

She looked up at Kid, her eyes filled with a mix of frustration and desire her lips still tingling from the electrifying connection they had shared. With a self-assured smirk playing on his lips, Kid broke the silence. His voice carried a touch of arrogance, laced with a teasing tone that send shivers down Y/N's spine. "Don't worry," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "We will continue later."

Kid's pov:

After our intense make-out session, I needed a moment to gather my thoughts and cool down. As I reached my office door, I turned back to face Y/N, my voice firm and commanding. "Stay here," I ordered, my gaze locking with hers. I couldn't deny the electric connection between us, the way her lips felt against mine, and the way her body responded to my touch. It was intoxicating, and I needed to regain control before things spiralled out of hand. My office was my sanctuary, the place where I could immerse myself in the business at hand and temporarily escape the chaos of my life. It was a room designed to distract me, to keep my mind occupied and away from the temptations that lay outside its walls.

As I entered the room, the familiar scent of leather and aged books filled the air, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The mahogany desk stood proudly in the centre, covered with stacks of documents and scattered notes. The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of a desk lamp casting a warm ambience.

Taking a seat behind the desk, I surveyed the organized chaos before me. I needed to work, to focus on the matters at hand. But the memory of Y/N lingered in my mind, her presence a constant distraction. I needed to compartmentalize, to separate my desires from my responsibilities.

After settling into my office, I surveyed the pile of work that Killer had sent me to catch up on. It was a substantial load, but instead of feeling overwhelmed, a spark of excitement ignited within me. This was my domain, where I thrived, and I was ready to immerse myself in the tasks at hand. I reached into the drawer of my desk and retrieved a bottle of high-quality whiskey and a glass, pouring myself a generous serving before taking a satisfying sip. For the next couple of hours, I delved into the stack of papers, reports, and plans. The familiar rhythm of work brought a sense of comfort, grounding me amidst the chaos that surrounded my life. I was reminded of my capabilities, my competence, and the power I held in my hands. It was a feeling of being back in control.

As I neared the end of the pile, I knew the next step was to call Killer. He needed to be informed about the new information I had obtained from Y/N, and we had to discuss our current situation. I picked up the phone and dialled his number, waiting as it rang on the other end. After a few moments, Killer's voice came through the receiver, slightly muffled and filled with underlying stress. "Hello?" he answered, the tension evident in his tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my voice steady and composed, ready to address any challenges that lay ahead.

Killer let out a sigh, a mixture of frustration and concern. "Kid, we've got a problem," he began, his words clipped and urgent. "Word has spread about a gala hosted by Capone, he invites all the big gangs. He wants to disgust the open spot of the head for the south side."

I leaned back in my chair, my mind racing with possibilities and strategies. "Tell me everything you know," I said, my voice firm and commanding.

Killer proceeded to provide me with the details, outlining the potential threats and the possible motives behind them. As he spoke, I listened intently, mentally formulating plans and countermeasures.

DARK DESIRE | Eustass Kid x femReader (paused)Where stories live. Discover now