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"Now sit here in your room. Don't come downstairs. Here I brought you a bag of chips and a liter of soda. " Ashton said handing me the items. Ashton was having a party and I guess he didn't want his little sister to ruin it, but I had just turned 17 and I think that's a suitable age to be able to attend a party. "Ashton, I'm 17! I think I should be able to go!" I whined throwing all the junk food back at him. "Hey! Not nice!" I pouted at him. "Okay. Fine. You can come, but don't flirt with anyone, drink, have unprotected sex, or do drugs!" He instructed before leaving. I jumped up from my bed and rummaged through my closet. I finally decided on a muscle tee, jeans and some converse. (Media).

Everyone was packed in our house tightly. The pungent odor of alcohol and sweat was present everywhere. Maybe this party wasn't what I was expecting. I stood in a corner with my cup of water until someone stood beside me. It was my brothers friend Michael. "Hey Jo, I didn't think your brother would let you come down." He chuckled. "Well I sorta begged him to let me come, but I'm thinking now that maybe it was a mistake. I would go back up to my room but I'm scared to find someone half naked in my bed.." I admitted as I got pushed into him. "Wanna go somewhere quieter? Maybe to that diner?" I knew the diner he was hinting at. When my brother actually let's me hang out with him and his friends, we go to this 24 hour diner down town. "Sure! I'll drive." He smiled and we left.

-Skip the drive-

"So then we stole his penguin and hid it for the rest of the week. He was going crazy!" Michael laughed. He was telling me a story of when they had pranked Luke. I admired the way he talked and his facial expressions. The truth is I've always liked Michael.. "Jojo, there's something I want to tell you." Michael said breaking the comfortable silence. I nodded urging him to continue. "I-uhm." He coughed to clear his throat and looked at me nervously. "I've always had a secret crush on you. And I know your brother is one of my closest friends and he might not approve of us. But I don't care. Will you go on a date with me?" He asked sincerely.  My heart races and I melted at his words. I would have never thought that he would have had the same feelings.. "I would love to!" I exclaimed kissing his cheek. We both blushed at my actions and decided to take a walk. I couldn't wait to see what he had in store for our date!

The End... Or is it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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