Out to eat part 2.

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(Dean POV) Kai pulls up to our favorite restaurant owned by one of his childhood friends Monty. Monty has made sure to have a table reserved in a private room for us tonight. I look back at Zaya her eyes filled with awe. This is probably the first time she has gone out to eat at a restaurant. I step out of the car opening Zaya's door before gently taking her out of her car seat. Kai steps out handing the keys to the valet. Zaya watches as the Valet gets in the car driving off. She pulls on my shirt "why did k- d daddy" she whispers making me chuckle "let him take the car" she asks looking up at me. "No honey he didnt take the care he is just parking it for us" she looks at me confused as I lead her inside. It's a busy night the place is booming lively as we make are way through. Zaya clings to me tightly and I squeeze her hand letting her know I'm not letting her go. We follow Kai to the private room a table already set up. It's quieter in here which Zaya appreciates I can see her relaxing all the tension she had as she looks around.

"Now kitten" Kai starts kneeling down to her level "since we are out to eat you can sit in a big girl chair. But I expect you to be on your best behavior. Do you understand?" He says raising an eyebrow at her. Zaya nods smiling up at him "yes daddy" she says making him smile. I chuckle watching the two of them sitting down at the table. Kai pulls a chair out for zaya picking her up making her giggle and placing her in the seat. Before sitting down beside her, across from me. I take his hand in mine from under the table giving it a small squeeze, a way we say I love you. He gives me a small smirk.

The waitress comes up menus in hand. She places them in front of us smiling. "Welcome to Monties. My name is Hailey. I will be your server today. Can I get you started with something to drink" she asks. "Yes" Kai says "a bottle of Merlot please" he looks over at Zaya seeing her looking through the big menu. "What do you want to drink kitten" he asks gently seeing her slowly start to panic knowing how shy she gets. Zaya looks up at him. "What about some sparkling apple juice? Monty always has some tucked away for the littles. How does that sound?" She nods smiling up at him. "Alright then. One bottle of Merlot for us. And one cup of sparkling apple juice please" Kai says. "I will get those right away sir. I will give you a few moments with the menu and when you are ready I will take your order" Hailey says before walking away.

(Kai POV) I watch Zaya as she goes through the list of foods getting flustered with herself. "Do you want help kitten?" I ask knowing it's a lot of things she's probably never heard of. She nods and I smile down at her. I pat my lap "come sit and we will look over it together" she smiles big getting out of her chair. I lift her up onto my lap as she giggles. Dean watches us smiling to himself. "Hmmm now let's see. What are you in the mood for. They have steak dishes" he says and she shakes her head no. "Hmm what about a chicken dish?" Zaya shakes her head no again. "Oooo i know what you'd like. A fish dish" I say booping Zaya's nose making her giggling she nods.  "Ahhh okay Fish it is. Let's see. I don't think your little tummy can handle a big meal. Hmm let's see what they have for littles. Look baby they have fish and chips. How does that sound??" She nods giggling and I smile kissing her forehead seeing her begin to slip in her little space. "Do you want to order for yourself? Or do you need daddy to?" I ask. Zaya points at me snuggling into my arms. I look up at Dean smiling loving every minute with my little girl.

Hailey comes back with our drinks, I tell her our orders. Before we know it our food comes out and is set in front of us. Zaya stays snuggled in my lap very carefully drinking her juice. I can see her concentration as she tries not to spill it on herself. I chuckle rubbing her head gently as Dean and I talk. Half way through are meal my phone rings. I pick up expecting it to be work and just turn it off, but the caller ID is that of our home security. "I need to take this. Zaya go sit with Papa for a minute okay?" I say lifting her up placing her on the floor before standing up. I answer my phone walking away from the table. "Hello"

(Zaya POV) I go around the table climbing up in Dean's lap. I watch Kai walk away as he talks on the phone. I pick at my plate. Dean begins to pet me gently on the head making me purr. I hear him chuckle as he digs back into his food. A few minutes past and Kai comes back to the table. "Is everything okay?" Dean asks. "No not really we need to head home. The alarms are going off. The police are on our way to our house now. Can you get the rest of the food to go. I'll bring the car around and pick you and zaya up"

I take Dean's hand following him out to the car as he carries the rest of our food in to go boxes. He lifts me up fastening me into my car seat. I yawn starting to feel tired. I heard Kai talk about the alarms going off at home and is a little scared someone broke into the house but Kai reassures me everything is okay.

Kai pulls into the drive way and the first thing we see is the big window in the front of the house has been smashed open. Glass shattered everywhere. Kai jumps out of the car. Dean gently helping me out. "Baby go stand over there while we figure this out. Stay where we can see you. I don't want you to get cut from the glass okay" I nod whimpering quietly scared and confused. I stand a little ways away from the window in clear view of Kai and Dean. Dean looking behind him checking on me as they wait for the police. I look around feeling chilly I start to shiver. In the corner of my eye I see something to the side of the house peeking out. I turn towards it slowly walking that direction. It's brown laying on the ground. As I get closer I see that's it's Franklin. I quickly rush to him. "How did you get out here?" I say. I feel arms grabbing me pulling me around the side of the house. I try to scream but a hand clamps over my mouth. The voice of my attacker makes me freeze. My hair stands on edge. "Hello kitten. Miss me?"

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