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WARNING: The story contains graphic depictions of violence, gore, and blood. Reader discretion is advised.


It was a cold night in Manila, Philippines— A stark contrast to the typically warm and humid weather the city was known for. The cool breeze that swept through the narrow streets and alleys was a welcome relief to the locals who are currently residing in their own homes. The moon was almost full, casting a dim glow over the city that was just enough to see one's way around.

Currently, there are no people scattered around the vicinity. The streets were empty and the only source of light was the moon and lamps from the windows. If anything, the whole surrounding was shrouded in heavy silence with only the intermittent sounds of the cicada and the occasional rustle of leaves breaking through the stillness of it.

The absence of any other sounds only served to amplify the soft thud of boots against cobblestone, as a Spanish guard made his way through the deserted streets. With each step, the guard's leather boots met the rough, uneven surface of the ground below him, producing a steady, rhythmic cadence that echoed through the quiet streets.

Despite the darkness, the guard's movements were fluid and graceful. He seemed to glide effortlessly over the cobblestones, his boots barely making a sound. But as he moved closer, the sound of his footsteps grew louder, each step resonating through the empty streets with a distinct thump.

The man walked towards his destination-the clergy house where all seminarians and friars in the cathedral stayed. He has a destination to go to, if anything, he must tell the news he gathered from the search. The Spanish guard walked down the dimly lit hallways of the resting place of the priests, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridor and as he approached the door, he knocked softly; announcing his presence.

As if on cue, a young man peered through the door, his eyes scanning toward the guard. "Well," He asked with a hint of concern in his voice, "Is he back?" 

The guard frowned and shook his head in disbelief, "No, not yet. I haven't seen him, Marco," he replied, his tone apologetic as he waited for the latter's response.

Marco let out a deep sigh, his expression revealing a mix of frustration and concern. "Okay," he uttered, "Just... update me when you can, Roberto. Gracias."

Roberto nodded in response, tipping his hat slightly as he reassured Marco, "Don't worry, I'll find him. Qué tengas buenas noches." With that, he turned his heel and strode purposefully down the hallway, his footsteps echoing against the polished marble floor.

"Tu tambien.." Marco said before gently closing the door behind him. He slowly moved his way onto his bed, sitting down with utter discomfort—gazing out the window beside him.

"It's getting late, where is he?" Marco thought to himself. It's been hours since his younger brother, Elias left the vicinity—didn't even say a word or a note beforehand about his whereabouts and Marco is getting worried.

Maybe it's the brotherly instincts or something else but, it's rather concerning for him that he's not back yet especially since Elias doesn't stay up this late outside. Elias never does this at all.

Usually, at this time, he goes to bed early to start the day so this is rather unlikely of him but Marco couldn't blame him. From the pertaining events that happened, it's rather obvious that he didn't leave without any kind of reason.

Well in particular circumstances, there would be a misunderstanding among individuals, especially siblings. This happened to both of them—arguing back and forth, their points would overlap to the point of incoherency and aggressively raising their tone as they pointed out each other's flaws.

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