
958 16 4

(Yes, I wrote suggestions I got a month or two ago down and am now doing them, so here we go)

Suggested by:
C: 17
*Craigs POV*
I finally convinced my mom to just get trica a babysitter while she went out so I wouldn't have to drag my little sister around everywhere. She's 5 Years old, don't get me wrong, I love my sister, but I'm around her every. Single. Day. It gets annoying after a while.
Plus, It's like a 11 year age difference, you can figure out how that wouldn't work.
My mom never said who she hired, but she just said I had to wait with Trica till they got here. Apparently they weren't much younger than me. A year my mom said.

I soon heard a knock at the door, and I got up, took my little sisters hand, and I lakes to the door.
When I opened up the door I couldn't believe my eyes.

A blond, barely shorter than me, maybe by an inch, a great outfit, really cute on him and it went with his body perfectly.

"You must be c-agh- Craig, I'm tweek. Nice to meet you. I'm, agh! Watching your little sister trica right?" Tweek asked, holding a hand out with a smile to trica, she gladly took it smiling.

"Uh, yeah. Just for a few hours till I get back from going to a few places. Thanks, help yourself to whatever." I said bolting out the door, if I didn't I probably would've stayed forever staring at him, he really was a beauty.

*Tweeks POV*
Once Craig left, trica took me up to her room, which was decorated with light purple and blue butterflies, along with a princess themed bed.
"What do you want to do first Trica?" I asked sniling, while sitting down on the floor.
"I want you to be a princess!" Trica said, rummaging around her rot chest with her tiny hands.
"Oh? And what will I do as a princess?" I asked smiling and playing along.
"Drink tea, wear a crown, and wear make-up!" Trica said, shoving a tiara in my hair before using those baby make-up kids to paint my face with light shades of color.

After a short while, trica was obviously getting tired, so I carried her downstairs to try and out her on the couch so I could watch over her while she slept but, by the time I made in downstairs she was fast asleep on my shoulder.
I didn't want to wake up, so I figured I would just have to carry her around.

I got a lot done at the tucker house hold though! I cleaned Tricia's room which was messy from her playing, I swept the floors, wiped down the counter, and even did some dishes. And the , just a few minutes later, I could hear the door opening up.

*Craigs POV*
When I walked into my house, I saw my sister passed out in the cuties arms, and tweek had a face full of light make-up, and in his hair a bright shiny tiara which I assumed trica had been the owner of.
"Oh, Criag, welcome back." Tweek said while smiling.
"I see trica wanted to play huh?" I said while laughing and taking the tiara off his head.
He nodded and grinned. "But, she was well behaved, she's been asleep for about an hour and a half." Tweek said,
As I took trica from his arms.
"Here's your cash, thanks for watching her, I assume you'll be back in the next 2 days?" I said while laying trica on the couch and throwing a blanket over her carelessly.
Tweek nodded before giving another smile and walking out the door.

And yeah, he was back. He came 3 times a week every month and after a few months we got close. We hung out on the days he wasn't babysitting trica, and sometimes I would even stay while he was babysitting trica just to be with him. It was obviously we liked each other.

*Tweeks POV*
It was raining pretty hard out, and Craig and I were sitting up in his room while talking.
"Y'know tweek, you should really just stay the night, it's raining hard out and it's dangerous to walk home in this weather." Criag said, breaking eye contact for a minute.

I nod, blushing a little at the thought of sleeping at criags house.
"You can just sleep in my room with me, trica will probably sleep downstairs on the couch anyway." Craig said, which just made my heart pound even faster.

When it was about 1:00 AM, Craig and I crawled into his bed. Though I was pretty sure he was asleep before I was.
I stared at his face, and I wanted to tell him. I liked him, I really did.
"Criag?..." I whispered, my voice shaken.
"Yeah?.." Criag replied quietly, which I wasn't expecting.
"I..really love you." I said back quietly, shutting my eyes tight and clenching my fists.
Though, I felt one of criags hands on my cheek, and another loosening my hand to hold.
I opened my eyes, and Criag was staring back at me smiling.
"I love you more, Tweek."

We then leaned in, and kissed for a moment, before falling asleep, a few minutes later.

ME DOING 2 CHAPTERS IN THIS SHORT OF TIME?! Literally must be magic...

Anyways hope u enjoyed lolzzzzzz I thought this was super cute

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