The Fault In Our Kidnapping (Rudy X Eos)

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(omg so Im inspired bc i heard that Rudy and Eos r sharing a jailcell and omg)

Rudy is walking thru the warehouse, focused on drawing cute flowers on they're mask. Suddenly they run into something- or... someone.

"O-oh!" Rudy squeaks, jumping back as they look up and see Eos.

Eos is wearing their doctors coat and their mask is on.

"You should watch where your going," he growls, and his red eyes flash from under his mask.

"Sorry!" Rudy sqeuaks, dropping theyre mask. "I was trying to draw on my mask. It looks so sad and not colorful."

Eos picks up the mask and handit back to Rudy, who drops it again.

"Stop dropping it," he says gruffly.

"Ok uwu" Rudy doesn't drop it again. "Do you want me to draw on your mask too??" They ask.

"I don't like colors" eos replies.


"I like you though." Eos takes off the mask to reveal his face. His fangs are visible. Without realizing, Rudy reaches out and touches the scars on Eos's face, but Eos stops them.

"Eek! Sorry," Rudy squeaks, taking the mask. "Your a vampire??"

Eos broods broodingly. "I'm a werevampdemon, actually," he huffs. 

"Oh," Rudy frowns. "I should have known."

"You should have." Eos scowls.

Rudy looks deeply into Eos's eyes.

"You have a nice face." Eos says.

"R-Really?!" Rudy blushes.

"I have to go!" Eos yells and runs away.

Rudy watches him go and is in love.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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