Chapter 1 - The Porcelain Lady

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"Oka-san, I'm going to take lunch out to Oto-san and Hiroko-nii!" you called, setting the two wooden bento boxes wrapping a large furoshiki cloth you were holding on the wooden floor of the genkan before sliding your zori sandals on over your tabi socks.

A woman with long hair the same color as yours and stern gray eyes stepped out from the kitchen, frowning softly as she dusted off the white apron protecting her simple muted yellow kimono that was paired with an equally muted purple obi sash and white nagajuban. Her hair was pulled back into a neat bun, and like you she wore a pair of tabi socks.

"Don't dawdle this time, [Y/n]," she said sternly, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Your father and older brother work very hard out in the rice fields all day long in the hot sun. The least you can do is be quick about bringing them food."

You rolled your eyes with a scoff. "I won't, Oka-san. I'll bring them lunch and be right back to help make dinner."

Your mother sighed, her stern gaze softening as she kneeled down and cupped your cheeks gently. "Stay safe and don't go into the forest. Okay?"

"Yes Oka-san," you grumbled.

She pressed her lips to your forehead gently before smiling and patting your head. "Hurry along now. You know Hiroko gets pouty when he's hungry."

Giving your mother a nod, you grabbed the lunches and walked out the shoji door to go to the rice fields. As you walked, you couldn't help but scoff. As per the nature of any child, you of course wanted to do exactly what your mother had told you not to do- go into the dense, dark forest with no roads entering or exiting that was a little ways from the small farming village where you lived. Your brother Hiroko had often scared you with stories of monsters living in the forest that kidnapped anyone who entered, but you were twelve now. You didn't believe those silly stories like you did six years ago.

"Ah, [Y/n]!" You lifted your gaze from the dirt road, your eyes finding your brother as he waved to you with a smile from the rice field before he turned to your father. "Oto-san, [Y/n]'s here with food! Let's take a break now!"

Hiroko, who was a rather tall man for someone who was Japanese, had your mother's gray eyes and your father's dark brown hair. You, on the other hand, had your mother's hair and your father's eyes. Of course, almost everyone in the family had the same skin tone.

Like you, your father and Hiroko were dressed in samue kimono shirts with tobi pants, their's of course were rolled up so they didn't get wet and neither of them wore tabi socks. They both wore wide straw hats known as sugegasa to protect themselves from the blistering sun and they wore getas sandals. You wore almost the same thing, except you had on tabi socks, zori sandals, and a haori, and you didn't wear a sugegasa.

"Took you long enough," your father said teasingly as he ruffled your hair, referring to the distance between the rice fields and your parents' home where you lived. Hiroko had his own house with his wife, who was pregnant with a baby. "Hiroko and I are starving!"

"Oka-san told me not to dawdle," you started, fixing your hair with a pout. "So I need to go home and help with chores."

Hiroko eyed you for a moment, as if he knew what you were really planning to do. "Okay... Stay safe, you hear? And don't go wandering into the forest. People really do go missing when they go in there."

"I know that!" you said, glaring at Hiroko before shoving the bentos into your father's arms and stomping off. 'Stupid Hiroko-nii. Telling me stupid stories about demons just to scare me! I'm not a little kid anymore!'

Your scowl relaxed and your feet stopped walking as you found yourself at the forest's edge. Honestly, it did look scary with how dark and quiet it was. "Maybe going inside there is a bad idea after all..."

(Discontinued) Kimetsu No Yaiba: Nyctophobia | Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now