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Name: Shiro Ruto the Hybrid

Nicknames: Ninja boy, Ruto-Chan/Kun, Rio, Mutt, and Shi

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Hedgehog/Charmeleon Hybrid
Sexuality: Gay

Date of Birth: August 16, 2002
Place of Birth: Station Sqaure Hostipal
Zodiac: Leo

Personality: Shiro is cold, serious, aggressive, an "lonewolf" and tough guy with people he dosen't like or know. But really he's just an softie and friendly. And a gentlemen and a bit overprotective sometimes.



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Likes: Training, his two dads, fighting, cute and fluffy things, animals, jumping from tree to tree, realxing, love sweet treats/snacks/candy, writing in his journal, helping others, shiny things and shells

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Likes: Training, his two dads, fighting, cute and fluffy things, animals, jumping from tree to tree, realxing, love sweet treats/snacks/candy, writing in his journal, helping others, shiny things and shells

Dislikes: Losing an fight, disappointing his fathers, Eggman, other ninjas, the cold, cold weather, winter, snow/ice, when he can't train, seeing his family in danger, drugs, and bullies

Family: Shadow the Hedgehog (Papa), Espio the Charmeleon (Daddy), No siblings.

Friends: Shawn, Sonic, Tails, Mighty, Ray, Knuckles, Nero, Cody, Aspen, Shadow, Atticus, Lucifer, Silver, Soul, Blaze, Vector, Charmy, Rouge, Omega, and Rune

Rivals: None
Enemies: Other ninjas, Eggman
Crush: Open

Powers/Abilties: His chaos whip and chaos control, along with going invisible and changing his colors

Weapons: Kuni & Shuriken and a Tanto Sword

Strength: His stamina, flexibility and speed

Weaknesses: He dosen't do well with cold temperatures or cold weather. Tends to loose energy faster when using chaos energy.

Extra Details: Shiro is an Hermaphoridite, an ninja in training and he has an soft spot for cute and fluffy animals.

Shiro is an character from like an different, world/Dimension ect......

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