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Ran: "Amu-chan, say something"

Ran whispered

Amu: "I don't know what to say, dummy!"

Miki: "since it's a date, Amu-chan is a good girl"

My charas suddenly laughed

Amu: "H-Hey!"

They're so loud!

Amu: "q-quiet"

I said to them with my index finger placed on my lips

Amu: "geez.."

Ikuto: "hey.."

Amu: "Y-Yes?"

Oops.. I raised my voice a bit

Ikuto: "let's go to a café or something"

Amu: "oh uh, ok"

We got to a café and we sat near the window

Waitress: "hello may I take your order?"

Amu: "strawberry shortcake please"

Ikuto: "Tiramisu"

Waitress: "ok, please wait"

Ikuto: "you really like starwberries, huh?"

Ikuto said, staring at me

Amu: "uh.. Y-Yeah"

Is this a staring contest?!

Amu: "..."

I can't take this anymore.. I averted my eyes

Ikuto: "hehe.."

Amu: "w-what?"

Ikuto: "nothing, nothing"

He said with a grin

Amu: "sheesh.."

Is he planning something? That look of his gives me chills down my spine..

Waitress: "here's your order, enjoy!"

AmuTo: "thank you"

We said in unison

Amu: "o-oh.."

When we said "thank you" at the same time, Our voices are.. How should I put this-

Ikuto: "thank you for the food"

It's sounds good to the ear.. His voice and mine.. Ugh! Why am I thinking this anyway?!

Amu: "thanks for the food!"

As I was eating, I could feel his eyes staring at me..

Amu: *nom nom nom*

Is he really staring at me..? But I have a feeling he's not

Amu: *nom nom nom nom*

Su: "Amu-chan"

Su went outside of the pouch and sat on the strawberry

Su: "eat slowly, Amu-chan"

S-Su's right.. Why am I acting like this? Geez..

Ran and Miki looked at me while they are inside the pouch. They looked at me with a worried expression

Amu: *gulp-*

Uh... Wait, the food is stuck!

Amu: *breaths hard*

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