Chapter 16

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[plot? I think]

Tom had started working out again. He was eating more, spending less time moping about. He actually left the house during the day. I couldn't get him to stop smoking, but he did start weaning himself off of them. We managed to get him from chain smoking a box a day to only one or two cigarettes, which still isn't great, but it's better than it was. Even the kids were starting to notice a difference when Tom showed up to the night shift again.

Additionally, I finally let him start working on remodelling me. A few of the kids, including RC, thought it would be a good idea for Ralph to help with some of the repairs, being a near perfect hybrid of the TERROR Program and WarrenTech. He understood everything about every model he's ever come across. Except me. But even Tom didn't understand me. And he built me.

"How is he even operable?" Ralph asked.

"You're asking me?" Tom said. "I've got no clue. Scientifically, it shouldn't be possible. I mean, he's all bones. Half the connective wiring is fried or gone completely. He shouldn't even be mobile, let alone functional."

"I-I'm right he-ere," I grumbled.

"Yeah, I know, that's the problem."


"I'm just saying." Tom shrugged. "You're a scientific anomaly, Ro."

"I thought you didn't like it when people called you Ro?" Scarlet peeked over Ralph's shoulder.

"I make a fe-ew exe-eptions."

"Tom was the first person to call him Ro," Spencer muttered to her.

"I can sti-ill he-eear you, you kno-ow."

"Oh, we know," Scarlet giggled.

"Could you all be quiet for a moment?" Ralph said.


RC was with us too. She was standing back with Spencer and Scarlet, watching as Tom and Ralph tried to figure out what they were doing.

"We could try tearing him apart almost entirely, save the memory file," Tom said.

"Yes, but you're forgetting he can still feel everything that happens to him as if it were his real body," Ralph objected. "It would be virtually impossible to do without seriously damaging his mind. While, theoretically, his memories would be intact, his spirit would be broken. We could lose the Rollan we know."

"So we treat it like a transplant?"

"But he lets me call him Ro, too," RC muttered, still stuck on Scarlet's comment.

"He only lets people he really cares about call him that," Spencer said.

"Or a graft, yes." Ralph tried to ignore them. "You constructed your automatons based on the biological makeup of animals and humans alike."

"But I'm not a doctor," Tom argued. "I don't know how to perform a successful surgery on a living person."

"So he and Tom must've been really close when they were younger," Scarlet said.

"Yeah, he's told me about some of the stories from when he was in school with Tom," RC whispered. "They were very close."

"How close?"

"Practically dating," Spencer teased.

"Could you three can it back there?" Tom snapped. "I'm trying to focus here, and I'd really appreciate if you didn't talk about my relationship with Rollan while I literally have my hands covered in his oil. It's weird."

"We-ere we dating?" I tried to whisper.

"I don't know, Ro- uh- maybe. I-I don't know, just shut up and let me focus."

"They totally dated," Scarlet joked. "Do you think they-"

"Out," Tom said, pointing to the door.

"Right." She turned and left the room.

"All of you. Now."

When the room was finally quiet, Tom groaned. Ralph chuckled.

"What? What's so funny?" Tom glared at him.

"Nothing. It's just- I don't know, you kinda balance out the work environment."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, with Rollan, Spencer and RC, it's hard to get things done."

"Hey!" I said again. I was getting offended left and right.

"Sorry. Anyway, RC is basically everyone's mom, always making sure everyone's happy and okay, Rollan's like the chill uncle that anyone goes to when they just need someone to hang out with but will also listen to what they have to say without being super judgmental, and Spencer's like everyone's really cool aunt. But there's no discipline. They're still kids. Hell, I'm only twenty. With you here, they finally have someone to keep them in check. On task. It's nice."

"Thanks, I guess," Tom wasn't sure whether to take that as a complement or not, considering he used to be a big-time rule-breaker in high school.

"Lo-ooks like someo-one's finally grown pa-ast the rebellious te-een phase," I teased.

"I will shut you down, don't test me." He paused for a moment. "God, you're right. I'd say I could use a beer, but the fact that it's legal takes the fun out of it."

"Lean's still illegal," Ralph said.

"I swear, I'm surrounded by children."

Ralph smiled. The room was quiet for a moment.

"So, did you and Rollan date?"


"Got it. Shutting up now."

It was nice to have him back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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