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Okay so texting is definitely a thing. Even my grandma texts so if you don't text you need to get with it but...there are definitely a lot of pros and cons yo texting.


-you don't actually have to talk to people that you don't like

-you can commuicate semi-effectively with people all over the country

-no awkward pauses because they can't tell if you read it or not (unless you didn't turn off that stupid texty thingy on the iPhone)

-you can say whatever you want without fear of immediate retribution

-you can type it out and come back to it before sending the life-changing text

-etcetera, etcetera


-no tone

-no facial expression

-no body laguage

-not always a response

-there is no way to effectively argue

And thus texting was still used forevver and ever, amen.

I have a lot of texting pet peeves and I am going to share them with you:

~texting while walking

I hate it when you're walking behind someone and you are both making good time and all of a sudden their phone goes off and of course they check it and all of a sudden they just slow down. It's not even like a subtle pull off to the side of the road slow down either. I'm talking straight up 45 -> 3 in the matter of a second and then they just keep that pace going because they have to respond and then there's Instagram and so on and so on.

~When people start texting conversations (textversations) with Hi/Hey/Hello and other variations thereof

Personally I just think that this is boring. I rarely start normal conversations with this greeting why would I start a textversation this way? But, I mean, this way at least you know what to expect from the conversation. We all know that a conversation starting with Hey is gonna go something like this:



-Whatcha up to?

Nothing much. What about you?




Anyways..I gotta go. TTYL

We all know that they won't actually "Talk to you later." They're just saying because they don't wanna say, "Well I'm bored and I sort of hate you a little bit because you are a boring human being and I hope that we never ever text each other again"...We all know that I'm exagerating a little but you get the point.

~When people are texting other people when they are with me (unless it's theri mom. Moms come first.)

This just tells me that we have a bicycle relationship. (If you wanna know the story behind this I might tell it later in my ramblings.) This tells me that you would rather be with this other person and that I am wasting my time even trying here. It also tells me that I should just leave because you obviously don't love me as much as my true friends do. You know. My friends on Pinterest...

~When people shorten words or phrases in normal textversations to single letters or take out the vowels.







-LOL (I have only ever said this once to someone and I hated them so...that shows how much I love you.)

The only time that I find the shortening of phrases acceptable DFTBA and TTFN. The only time. Or when there is an emergency.

~When people respond to the question, "Whatcha up to?" with, "Just hanging with my..."

This goes back to number three but at the same time not because you are doing something that I hate to someone else leading me to the question, "Are they boring or do you just like me more than them?" Obviously you just like me more than them AND they are boring but you know...You should probably pay attention to the person you're hanging with. Just saying...

My final texting pet peeve of this ranty thing...(drumroll please...*official sounding drumroll*)

~T-Mobile texts

Those of you with T-Mobile know my pain. The day is just dragging along and no one is texting you so you are just sitting there, staring at your phone when all of a sudden...Your phone goes off. You scramble to see who texted you finally. You see the notification in the corner. You tap the MESSAGING icon. You wait for it to open and...it's T-Mobile telling you that you've used up 80% percent of your data or trying to get you to upgrade your phone so not only is the text not from someone that you care about but it also reminds you that you're almost out of data and the month just started and you have a craptastic phone. Yay life!

Anyways...I'm done...For now

TTFN-Ta Ta For Now

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